Colchester Castle Romans Fun!

On Tuesday 17th May, the children in Woodpeckers class loaded the double decker bus and set off excitedly for Colchester Castle (although I think they were more excited to spot Macdonalds on the way!) The children went underground into the old Roman vaults and learnt all about Boudicca, The Celts and their revolt. The children were shown replicas of Roman shields, armour and fighting equipment and were told the story of what life was like to be a Roman or a Celt in this era. The children had to crawl on their hands and knees to get into different areas of the underground foundations.  The children enjoyed looking around the Museum and marvelling at all of the ancient artefacts. In the afternoon, the children were challenged to build their own round houses and a Roman Villa which they enjoyed. It was a really brilliant day and everybody learnt lots.













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