Physical Education and Healthy Lifestyles
As a school we are dedicated to helping our children enjoy an active life and this includes participation in a wide range of sports and games.
We also benefit hugely from the Schools Sports Partnership Programme where we offer inter-
We have a Specialist Sports Coach working in our school on a weekly basis, developing all the PE curriculum skills, such as dance, basic motor skills, games, gymnastics, co-
PE in the News
PSHE Speaking and Listening
In PSHE, Year 3 and 4 worked on being good listeners. We looked at how difficult it was to have a conversation when we could not see the person or use our hands. We learnt to ask open questions to encourage the person to talk more and practised showing good listening...
DT Pavilions
In DT, the Owls are designing and making pavilions. So far, we have built the frame structures. This week, our adults will come in to help us add the cladding. [gallery...
Owls Dodgeball
On Wednesday 22nd May, Owls class had an inter-house dodgeball tournament. The children played well and very competitively and the Otters were the eventual winners.
This half term the children have been learning how to play tennis. Each week the children have been building up their skills which have included catching, hand eye coordination and movement. This has enabled the children to put the skills altogether to play tennis....
The children took part in a gymnastics lesson with Mrs Allum. The theme today was jungle animals! The warm up involved the children jogging round the hall and stopping when Mrs Allum gave them an instruction. They had different actions for branches, quicksand and...
Netball County Final
On Wednesday 21st June, a group of children represented our school in the netball county final. They played really well demonstrating good team spirit and skill. Thank you to Mrs Wyncoll and Mrs Allum for coaching and accompanying them to the tournaments. [gallery...