
Find out what we’ve been up to!  We love to hear your feedback so please feel free to add your comments to the posts by filling in the box at the bottom of each news post.
Mental Health Awareness Week

Mental Health Awareness Week

In assembly the children welcomed the Mental Health Team from East Bergholt High School to their school. The team introduced themselves and told them all about Children’s Mental Health Week. This year the theme was Inside Out - Know yourself, grow yourself. After the...

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RSPB Big Schools Birdwatch

RSPB Big Schools Birdwatch

Today the children took part in the RSPB Big Schools Birdwatch. The children became bird watchers and went into the Forest Schools area to see what birds they could see and to count how many. They completed an RSPB check sheet and spotted seagulls, sparrows, starlings...

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Art – Body Form

Art – Body Form

This term in Art we have been exploring the human body form! Across two lessons the children traced an image of a skull and photocopied it before creating their own day of the dead skulls! They are all so fabulous and now on display for all to see! Well done...

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Isambard Kingdom Brunel

Isambard Kingdom Brunel

In Science we are looking at Isambard Kingdom Brunel. He was an engineer who created tunnels, bridges, ships and docks. One of Brunel's many creations was building the biggest ship of his time. We decided to plan and carry out an investigation into creating a tin foil...

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The Arrival

The Arrival

In Swans, we have been looking at writing relative clauses (using relative pronouns), prepositional phrases and expanded noun phrases using the picture book 'The Arrival'. We then edited our work, improving word choices and checking for spelling or punctuation errors...

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PSHE Speaking and Listening

PSHE Speaking and Listening

In PSHE, Year 3 and 4 worked on being good listeners. We looked at how difficult it was to have a conversation when we could not see the person or use our hands. We learnt to ask open questions to encourage the person to talk more and practised showing good listening...

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DT Textiles Bookmarks

DT Textiles Bookmarks

In DT the children in Reception thought about the question - Can we practise and apply threading skills with specific materials e.g. hessian and wool? The children listened to Mrs Clark, Mrs Jones and Mrs Vogel as they explained what to do. The children followed the...

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Owls’ Money Sense Workshop

Owls’ Money Sense Workshop

On Tuesday 21st January, the Owls took part in a Natwest Bank Money Sense Workshop. They learnt about financial fraud and scams involving identity theft. They had to solve clues to find out how a person had had their identity stolen. They then had to prepare...

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Dinosaurs at Colchester Zoo

Dinosaurs at Colchester Zoo

The children in Kingfishers Class enjoyed a trip to Colchester Zoo. The children enjoyed looking at the animals and travelling on the train. The children also enjoyed exploring the dinosaur park and the palaeontology lab. The children engaged with the education...

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