
This week, the Woodpeckers have been learning the keys on a keyboard, typing up some information about the Anglo-Saxons. They used ctrl a to highlight text, ctrl b to make their writing bold and learnt other ‘shortcuts’ on the keyboard.

The children in Kingfishers class have been learning about how to keep safe online. The children thought about the enquiry question – Can we understand how to treat others, both online and in-person? Miss Jones read the children the story of Digi Duck. The story was about Digi Duck who had a difficult decision to […]

Did you know that every image you send, document you write or video you see has to be sent across to you in packets? We looked at packets in our recent Computing lesson and learnt that packets are when documents online are broken up into lots of pieces and sent across the internet to the […]

This week the children have been exploring the unit Programming Bee Bots in Computing. The children were given three challenges – build a bridge out of bricks for Bee Bot to drive through, make the Bee Bot turn all the way round in a circle without moving off the starting spot and to get Bee […]

The Year One children have been exploring the topic rocket to the moon in Computing. The children were told they were going to learn how to be rocket scientists. They were told they were going to build a rocket using junk modelling materials which they will test out before launching it across the playground and […]

The children in Year one have been learning about Digital Imagery in Computing. The children were asked to create their own photo story. The children planned their story and set up their scenes referring to their planning sheet. When they were happy with the scene they took the photograph. The children accessed Google Slides and […]

The Swans have been using the ‘Stop Motion Animation’ app to create their first short animation. They learnt about onion skinning; the importance of keeping the camera still and the need for very small changes in their model. It was such fun!

The children were very surprised when they found the window open, some dinosaur footprints on the table and a nest full of eggs. They were very excited about this discovery and became ‘explorers’ thinking about, and discussing the evidence they found. They came to the conclusion a dinosaur had been in the classroom!! The children […]

The children were asked to to direct Beebot to different London landmarks. They followed instructions on how to work Beebot and then listened to the directions given to them, understanding words such as forward, turn, left and right. They then wanted to continue playing with Beebot and took it in turns giving each other instructions. […]

Miss Jones explained to the children it was ‘Safer Internet Day’. Miss Jones told the children Safer Internet Day 2022 celebrates young people’s role in creating a safer internet, whether that is whilst gaming and creating content, or interacting with their friends and peers. She explained how they can keep safe when using the computer […]
This half term, the Owls’ topic is The Mediterranean. Each pair was given a Mediterranean city to write a travel guide on. We used our Computing skills to research the cities and to word process, adding images, fonts and colours. In our Literacy lessons, we practised using persuasive language to really sell our destinations to […]

The children began making their Christmas cards; they used the computer to type their message for their card. The children were able to find the letters on the keyboard to spell their message. Great typing skills Kingfishers!