
In PSHE, Year 3 and 4 worked on being good listeners. We looked at how difficult it was to have a conversation when we could not see the person or use our hands. We learnt to ask open questions to encourage the person to talk more and practised showing good listening behaviour.

In DT, the Owls are designing and making pavilions. So far, we have built the frame structures. This week, our adults will come in to help us add the cladding.

On Tuesday 21st January, the Owls took part in a Natwest Bank Money Sense Workshop. They learnt about financial fraud and scams involving identity theft. They had to solve clues to find out how a person had had their identity stolen. They then had to prepare presentations to warn people of how to avoid financial […]

On Friday 24th January, we took 21 children from Years 4, 5 & 6 to the O2 in London to perform in the Young Voices Choir of 2025. They performed many songs from a variety of genres of music alongside approx. 8000 other young people, to a packed audience. Thanks to everyone who was involved […]

On Wednesday 4th December, children from the Owls and Swans class travelled to London. The first stop was the National Gallery and then to the Lyceum Theatre to watch The Lion King Musical. Thank you to all the adults who accompanied us on the trip. A great day was had by all.

Thank you for your generosity towards this year’s poppy appeal – £214.12 was raised by the school.

The Owls had a great first day back on Tuesday. We had an immersion morning to launch our new topic on Crete. One of the activities was to make 3D maps of Crete using plasticine. In the afternoon, we did Forest School. The children had a great time feeding the birds, making s’mores and making […]

On Friday 18th October, we held our Harvest Assembly in the school hall. The children sang songs and read some beautiful poems. We also collected some non-perishable goods which will donated to the Colchester Food Bank. Thank you for your generosity.

On Tuesday 8th October, Sam from the food waste team at Babergh Council visited us in school. She did a whole school assembly, a parent drop in session and a workshop with each class. In Owls’ workshop, we looked at whether thrown away food items were edible or inedible. Then we worked in groups to […]

The children welcomed Sam from the Waste Department at Babergh District Council into their school. In assembly Sam spoke to the children about Halloween and about pumpkins. The children were told 16 million pumpkins will go to waste this year. The children were told how they can use the whole pumpkin to eat – skin, […]

Owls’ Science topic this half term is linked to our History topic on the Ancient Greeks. We have been looking at Ancient Greek scientists and the contribution they made to our modern understanding of science. This week, we looked at Hippocrates – “the father of modern medicine”. We watched a video, answered questions and then […]

July 2024, saw the Year 4, 5 & 6s perform ‘Matilda the Musical’ to a packed school hall. The children acted, sang, performed and wowed the audience with their amazing talents! Here are a selection of photos.