
This week in Woodpeckers, we have started looking at multiplying numbers together. Learning our times tables through TT Rockstars, or playing Hit the Button (which is a website you can find by googling!) is so important to all areas of mathematics. We will use our times table knowledge to solve longer word problems at the […]

The children in Kingfishers Class took part in a money sense workshop provided by NatWest. The workshop was called Super Smoothie Shop. The children were shown slides to get them thinking about: what money is, where we get it, how we can spend it and what a ‘business’ is. The children worked in groups to […]

In maths this half term, both year groups have looked at place value. We identified what each digit represented in a two or three digit number and could partition given numbers into hundreds, tens and ones.

Florence told Miss Jones that we had been at school for 100 days and found number 100 on the hundred square and wrote number 100. The children came to school in their 100 Day T- shirts and outfits. To celebrate our 100 days of school, Laura the school cook baked us a lovely cake! Thank […]

The children in Kingfishers class took part in a money sense workshop provided by NatWest. The workshop was called Super Smoothie Shop. The children were introduced to Sarah the volunteer from NatWest. She explained her role and what she does at the bank. The children were shown slides to get them thinking about: what money […]

Kingfishers Class had great fun celebrating 100 days at school! To celebrate our 100 days of school, Mandy the school cook baked us a lovely cake! Thank you Mandy, it was delicious! The children had lots of challenges to complete in 100 seconds – Writing their name, seeing how many pegs they could put in […]

Year 3 have been learning to measure volume and capacity. The children followed Mrs Sadler’s recipe to chop fruit and measure juices to create a delicious fruit punch. Yummy!

The Year 2s in Woodpeckers have been learning all about 3D shapes this week in Maths. We are able to describe the shapes using mathematical language such as faces, curved surfaces, vertices and edges. We built shapes using a variety of materials, including straws to represent edges and marshmallow to represent vertices! We also made […]

This week the Swans have been using a protractor to measure angles. We decided to be a bit radical and use whiteboard pens to draw angles on the table and then measure them with a protractor – it was much more fun!

The swans have been practising their number skills of doubling, trebling, addition, subtraction and multiplication by playing Darts! They had so much fun!

This week the Year One children had a mathematical mystery to solve. They were asked to solve the mystery of the missing reindeer bells. They had five clues to solve which involved counting, measuring, adding, subtracting and working with numbers to 100. The children solved the clues and found out the elf who hid the […]

On Monday the children in Kingfishers Class found their classroom had been decorated ready for Christmas. They also found a present under the Christmas tree which contained Tinsel and Jingle the Christmas Elves. The children have enjoyed seeing what Tinsel and Jingle have been up to. They had written CVC words and graphemes on the […]