Eco School

On Wednesday 17th April, Years 3, 4 and 5 attended the Schools’ Farm and Country Show at Trinity Park in Ipswich. The children were able to take part in lots of different activities looking at all aspects of farming, growing and food production. First we looked at how willow is used to make cricket bats. […]

The children in Kingfishers Class celebrated World Ocean Day on Thursday 8th June. The children found the ocean in the classroom with lots of sea creatures and lots of rubbish. The children found out all about World Ocean Day and discussed how they could protect the ocean. The children were asked to design a poster […]

On Friday afternoon the children found out about Global Citizenship. The children were told the term was used to describe the social, environmental, and economic actions taken by individuals and communities who recognise that every person is a citizen of the world. The children explored why it is important to care for the Earth, the […]
Over the course of last year, the Eco Council together with Mrs Martin worked extremely hard on a number of Eco projects. These included one about litter and another about waste. They submitted a portfolio of evidence and were very pleased to hear they had been awarded Green Flag status with distinction. Well done to […]

On Wednesday 22nd June, the Eco-Council took a trip to Felixstowe beach and the Felixstowe recycling centre. The children spent the day litter picking and finding out about single use plastic and the effects of these on our waters. This was part of the ‘marine’ topic for the Eco award. The children also took part […]