Our Vision
Learning Without Limits
We will accomplish this through being consistent in our strategy and our teaching, and expect everyone in the school community to be working in the same direction. Our highly skilled staff will be motivated to create a stimulating environment in which all our pupils will have a clear idea of their potential and be able to achieve it.
In every step we take as we move towards our Vision, we need to keep certain aspirations in mind. While being constantly guided by their teachers and leaders towards ever more challenging goals, children will take independent responsibility for their own learning. Competitiveness has its place in driving our results, but never at the expense of a healthy respect for others. We all display behaviours and traits which show us to be positive role models.
At Stratford St Mary Primary School we move towards our vision, taking full advantage of and continuing to build on the many attributes that we are fortunate to have. These include the strong community feel which exists in the village and its surrounding areas; the many skills of our team; the willing involvement of our children’s families and our extensive grounds and facilities. We will continue to invest in the learning environment and teach our children to respect their community and environment and prepare them for today’s diverse society.
Growth Mindset
A Growth Mindset
At Stratford St Mary School, we believe that children who have a positive attitude towards their learning will make good progress and be successful. Consequently, instilling all our pupils with ‘growth mindsets’ became a key priority for the school from September 2016. Since then, we have introduced the theories of Dr Carol Dweck to staff and pupils and have embedded these ideas into everyday life within our school. We have taught and encouraged everyone to be resilient, confident and independent learners who have high expectations of themselves and others. We celebrate effort and encourage the children to learn from their mistakes. We also provide challenging activities and ask everyone to listen carefully, respond positively to feedback and take inspiration from others.
We remember that :
- We never give up – perseverance is the key if we are to succeed
- We learn and take inspiration from each other
- We don’t compare ourselves with others
- We challenge ourselves and take risks
- We remember that there are some things we can’t do – yet
- We remember that our brains are muscles, they are always making new connections and growing all the time
We have Growth Mindset displays in each classroom and believe that is is now an integral part of our learning and school life; we believe having a Growth Mindset will not only help the children achieve whilst they are at Stratford St Mary School, but prepare them well for High School and beyond.
Ethos & Values
Our Ethos
At Stratford St Mary Primary School every individual is valued for who they are and what they contribute to our school. We are very proud of our role in the community, the way children are nurtured and the close partnership we have with each family.
The whole staff team and all pupils are involved in actively promoting key values. These key values are identified each year for their connection to our half termly topics and for coverage of the personal, social and spiritual development programme.
Through promoting values within our school every day we aim to:
- Maintain and promote good behaviour
- Develop pupils’ understanding of what values are and why they are important in life
- Encourage children to demonstrate these values at home and at school
- Offer opportunities for children to take on roles of increasing responsibility as they move through the school
- Enable children to focus on the positive aspects of themselves which they can value
All children in our school can expect complete equality and acceptance into school life, with no discrimination in relation to ability, race, creed, religion or other distinguishing feature.
Code of Conduct
Each day at Stratford St Mary, we expect that children:
- are ready to learn
- do their best
- are being kind
- are being helpful
- are listening carefully
- use an indoors voice when appropriate
- are playing nicely
School Rules
Our School rules (known as the Stratford B’s) are :
- Be Kind
- Be Respectful
- Be Happy
- Be Curious
- Be Positive
- Be You!