Anti-Bullying Week #ChooseKindness

This week the Anti-Bullying Ambassadors have been very busy! They had a meeting to discuss what they would like to do for Anti-Bullying week and this weeks’ house group activities were based on what they came up with. Today the children looked at the #ChooseKindness anti-bullying initiative and discussed the importance of kind words. The anti-bullying ambassadors explained the importance of kindness in assembly and told the school what they would be doing. The children then got into their house groups and rotated around each class to do a different activity run by each teacher. With Miss Jones they had to think of some compliments to give each other. Miss Jones gave them a sticky label and they had to write down some nice things about another child. Each child wore their sticker with kind words on for the rest of the day in order to help them feel happy. Miss Kluge did an experiment with the children to find out if our words have consequences. There were two apples, the children were kind to one apple and very mean to the other apple, when the apples were cut open, it showed that the apple which had had unkind words used against it was rotten and bad inside. The children learnt that words can affect how someone is feeling inside and even though you can’t see it, they might be feeling sad. Mrs Marshall worked with the children to create #ChooseKindness posters with top tips on being kind to be displayed in school. Mrs Edwards did some role play scenarios with the children, they acted out different situations whilst thinking about how they could choose kindness to help people.The children showed a great understanding and enthusiasm for being kind to each other. Well done every one!


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