Kingfishers and Woodpeckers Class joined together to do some art based learning about Thomas Gainsborough. They worked in mixed age groups to found out facts about Gainsborough and his work. The children used pencil to do observational drawings of a section of the famous painting called ‘Gainsborough’s Forest’. These drawings will be cut out to create a Reception and Key Stage One picture. In the afternoon the children learnt how to do a bark rubbings and then cut their rubbing into a shape of a tree trunk. This will be used later in the week to create a Reception and Key Stage One forest. The children have had a fantastic day learning about Thomas Gainsborough and have behaved very well.
Swans and Owls worked together looking at a selection of John Constable landscapes and in particular studied the clouds and landscapes, they observed that often two-thirds of his paintings were of the clouds and sky. The children then went outside and whilst there wasn’t a cloud in the sky, they looked at the natural landscape of our school field and using pencils and charcoal sketched some drawings. The children worked in their classes after break to produce some poems based on the picture of ‘Flatford Mill’ and also started some descriptive writing.
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