House Groups
Our school has a house system, where children are grouped into four houses. These are the Red Foxes, Yellow Hedgehogs, Blue Badgers, and Green Otters (the names were chosen by the School Council). Each house group is led by a member of teaching staff with support from the teaching assistants.
Every child is placed into one of the four houses when they join the school and they remain in this house for their whole time at primary school. Siblings are placed in the same house; and our older children who are ‘buddies’ are paired up with one of the reception age children in the same house.
Children sit together in their house groups for lunch times, with the older children helping the younger ones, if required. They compete against each other at Sports Day and come together at various times of the year, for example, Friendship/Anti-Bullying week and for Christingle services.
Children earn merits in their individual classes and each completed merit chart earns one point for their house group. We have a running record of the house points on display in the school hall and the team with the most points at the end of year wins the House Group cup.
We believe the house group system encourages team work, peer to peer support and healthy competition.