
The aims of mathematics in the National Curriculum are to broaden children’s understanding and experiences with an emphasis on mental maths, oral work and problem solving involving interactive whiteboard activities.

The children are encouraged to explain their understanding and reasoning on a daily basis. Where possible, maths is brought to life through ‘real experiences’ and is supported through key resources such as Numicon. Children also have the opportunity to consolidate their mathematical understanding through an online homework program and a wealth of mathematical apparatus and games.

Mrs Bilner

Maths Subject Leader

Miss Jones

Maths Subject Leader

Maths Resources

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Maths in the News

Woodpeckers Class Assembly

Woodpeckers Class Assembly

Friday the 12th of May was the Woodpeckers assembly where they shared their work from the last half term. They shared writing, demonstrated some Maths and showed of their French knowledge by singing a song in French! Well done Woodpeckers! [gallery...

Maths and English Club

Maths and English Club

Some of the children from Woodpeckers class joined Miss Jones, Miss Kluge and Mrs Kite for the Maths and English After School Club. The children joined playing Maths games with Miss Jones. Year One children rolled a dice and added the two numbers together and found...

Maths Day

Maths Day

On Wednesday the children and staff celebrated World Maths Day. The children had lots of fun using their mathematical knowledge to problem solve and investigate. Kingfisher Class had lots of Maths challenges which involved counting, patterns and shapes. Woodpeckers...

Year 6 well under way & ready for SATS

Year 6 are well under way to being ready to take their statutory tests in English and Maths in the week of May 11th. Please do encourage them to do the homework sent for the Easter holidays as it will be the starting point of the support club being run on Monday...

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