

Children’s progress and learning is continually monitored throughout their time with us to ensure they are making the best possible progress. This enables us to quickly identify if children have particular needs.

Children identified with Special Educational Needs or requiring additional support will have work adapted to their individual needs. Additional support is offered both in class time for the morning Maths and Literacy sessions, but also as small withdrawal groups in the afternoon sessions.

Parents are always informed and involved with their child’s progress and any formal additional needs.

“Support for any pupil who shows signs of falling behind is highly effective.”Ofsted Feb 2013

All children will have access to the National Curriculum whatever their special needs might be. Some children will only require a short intensive support programme whereas others may require long term input. Whatever a child’s requirement, we will do our utmost to meet their individual needs within the normal classroom setting with appropriate resources and support, calling on the County resources where necessary.

Additional support may include extension work for those particularly able children, as well as appropriately differentiated activities for all learners. The school maintains a register of children identified with abilities above and beyond their peers in different areas of learning. These children are given additional extension and enrichment opportunities to accelerate their progress as appropriate.

All children in our school can expect complete equality and acceptance into school life, with no discrimination in relation to ability, race, creed, religion or other distinguishing feature.

If you would like any further details of our curriculum, please contact the school.

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