During the Forest Fun session this week, the children in Kingfishers used their creative skills to create a potion. The children used coloured water to make their potion. They had to think about what their potion could be made of using items from the forest and what their potion could do. The children were given a container and a clip board and pencil and they had to search the forest for their potion. They then had to list their items and write a sentence stating what their potion could do. They used their phonetic knowledge to do this; writing words such as grass, berries, leaves, earth, lowers, bark, buttercups and feathers. The children then poured some coloured water into their container to make their potion. They found a stick and stirred their potion. They had lots of fun! The children also enjoyed using a colour swatch to find colours that were within the forest. They used their eyes and found something in the woods that was the same colour as their strip. The children took on the challenge and searched the forest looking to match colours on different strips. They found they could match green colours to the grass, blue to the sky and a school dress, yellow to the sun, old leaves and buttercups, brown to the bark and earth and red to a ladybird and wellie boots. They explored their surroundings looking hard to match the colours. The children enjoyed eating their snack in the forest too.
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