
The school hosts the annual Stratford St Mary Community Fireworks Display, attracting over one thousand spectators.

Village Life

The community came together for The Queen’s 90th Birthday celebrations held at the school and organised by Village Life.

Community Links

The school is an integral part of Stratford St Mary village and the wider community.

St Mary’s church, about half a mile from the school, is regularly visited by the children.  Likewise Reverend Paul from the parish is a regular visitor in school, conducting assemblies and spending time with the children.

Next to the church, is Hall Farm. The children make visits to the farm, to walk around the various trails, see the animals during lambing time and to sing carols to their visitors at Christmas time.

Our school is a ‘Friend of Ipswich Town’, linking the school with one of our local football teams.

Premier Sport are regular visitors to our school, providing specialist coaching, after school clubs and also ‘Enrichment Days’.

On our doorstep, about eight miles from the school is the Suffolk Ski Centre. Here our older children are given the opportunity to learn to ski on the three slopes.

Community News

Road Safety Poster Competition

Road Safety Poster Competition

Gill, a councillor,  from the parish council came and spoke to the children about a very exciting competition. Stratford St Mary Parish Council wanted the children of Stratford St Mary Primary School to design slow down posters so they could be displayed in Stratford...

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Community Christmas

Community Christmas

Miss Jones made a display of all the Christmas Baubles the children had decorated. Miss Jones will take the display to Black Brook House care home for the residents, to brighten up their Christmas. Great teamwork Kingfishers! The children also made cards for the...

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Harvest Assembly

Harvest Assembly

On Friday 18th October, we held our Harvest Assembly in the school hall. The children sang songs and read some beautiful poems. We also collected some non-perishable goods which will donated to the Colchester Food Bank.  Thank you for your generosity. [gallery...

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ELSA Study

ELSA Study

Children were invited to take part in the ELSA study run by researchers at the University of Birmingham. The ELSA study is a screening programme for children, aged 3-13 years to find out their risk of getting type 1 diabetes.

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McMillan Coffee Morning

McMillan Coffee Morning

On Friday 4th October, the PTA organised a coffee morning and cake sale with the proceeds going to the McMillan Cancer Support charity. Thank you for your generosity - an amazing £219 was raised.  

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