
The school hosts the annual Stratford St Mary Community Fireworks Display, attracting over one thousand spectators.

Village Life

The community came together for The Queen’s 90th Birthday celebrations held at the school and organised by Village Life.

Community Links

The school is an integral part of Stratford St Mary village and the wider community.

St Mary’s church, about half a mile from the school, is regularly visited by the children.  Likewise Reverend Paul from the parish is a regular visitor in school, conducting assemblies and spending time with the children.

Next to the church, is Hall Farm. The children make visits to the farm, to walk around the various trails, see the animals during lambing time and to sing carols to their visitors at Christmas time.

Our school is a ‘Friend of Ipswich Town’, linking the school with one of our local football teams.

Premier Sport are regular visitors to our school, providing specialist coaching, after school clubs and also ‘Enrichment Days’.

On our doorstep, about eight miles from the school is the Suffolk Ski Centre. Here our older children are given the opportunity to learn to ski on the three slopes.

Community News

Walk To School

Walk To School

As part of Road Safety Week the children have been encouraged to walk to school. The teachers provided a 'Walking Bus' from each end of Strickmere so as many children as possible could walk to school. Walking to school keeps us healthy and it helps protect the...

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Crossroads @ ABC Pre School

Crossroads @ ABC Pre School

The JRSOs visited ABC Pre School to teach the children how to cross the road safely. The JRSOs demonstrated to the children how to do it correctly and supported the children to walk across the road. The children really enjoyed having the JRSOs visit them. Well done...

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Road Safety Week

Road Safety Week

Today we had a visit from PCSO Denise Ford. She worked with the JRSOs looking at the parking outside the school gates this morning. The JRSOs issued tickets to cars which commented on how well they were parked. The JRSOs were pleased to report all cars got a happy...

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Speed Watch

Speed Watch

The JRSOs joined the Community Speed Check Team on Friday. The JRSOs were given the opportunity to hold the speed camera and were able to see how fast the vehicles were travelling. The JRSOs learnt that the aim of the speed checks were to encourage drivers to do the...

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Fabulous Fireworks

Fabulous Fireworks

Saturday evening saw the 4th annual firework event at the school.  The grounds were  busy with people enjoying burgers, hog roast, mulled wine and other delicious items before watching the spectacular firework display and lighting of the bonfire.  All the many months...

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Gold Award

Gold Award

Today the JRSO's attended the Junior Road Safety Awards Event at Endeavour House in Ipswich. The JRSO's met the Councillor,  the cabinet member for Highways and Transport, listened to presentations from other JRSO's and participated in a question and answer session....

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