Our children become confident and capable users of technology early in school life. From Reception onwards children enjoy a broad range of ICT based technology in their curriculum. We teach all children how to use technology successfully and ensure they learn how to use this technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private.
From Key Stage 1 onwards, children are now being taught how to create and ’debug’ simple programs and to use logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of simple programs to name but a few of the areas of study.
Computing Resources
Computing in the News
Computing Digital Imagery
The children in Year One are learning about Digital Imagery in Computing this half time. Miss Jones introduced the children to the idea of telling a story without words. Miss Jones and the children read the story ‘Flotsam’ together. They discussed why it is important...
Learning the Keyboard
This week, the Woodpeckers have been learning the keys on a keyboard, typing up some information about the Anglo-Saxons. They used ctrl a to highlight text, ctrl b to make their writing bold and learnt other 'shortcuts' on the keyboard.
Online Safety
The children in Kingfishers class have been learning about how to keep safe online. The children thought about the enquiry question - Can we understand how to treat others, both online and in-person? Miss Jones read the children the story of Digi Duck. The story was...
Computing ‘Packets’
Did you know that every image you send, document you write or video you see has to be sent across to you in packets? We looked at packets in our recent Computing lesson and learnt that packets are when documents online are broken up into lots of pieces and sent across...
Computing Programming Bee Bots
This week the children have been exploring the unit Programming Bee Bots in Computing. The children were given three challenges - build a bridge out of bricks for Bee Bot to drive through, make the Bee Bot turn all the way round in a circle without moving off the...
Rocket to the Moon
The Year One children have been exploring the topic rocket to the moon in Computing. The children were told they were going to learn how to be rocket scientists. They were told they were going to build a rocket using junk modelling materials which they will test out...