
Our children become confident and capable users of technology early in school life. From Reception onwards children enjoy a broad range of ICT based technology in their curriculum. We teach all children how to use technology successfully and ensure they learn how to use this technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private.

From Key Stage 1 onwards, children are now being taught how to create and ’debug’ simple programs and to use logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of simple programs to name but a few of the areas of study.

Computing Resources

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Computing in the News

Year 6 @ BT

Year 6 @ BT

On Friday 16th March, the Swans class visited Adastral Park, Martlesham, where BT were celebrating British Science Week. The children were taken on a tour around the showcase area and were introduced to the latest innovations and technologies from around the world...

Vex Club

Vex Club

On Wednesday evening a group of Swans started a Vex club. Over the next few weeks, they will build a Vex 'model' which can then be programmed to perform different tasks. We hope in the future to compete with other schools in a Vex robot competition. We will keep you...

Crumble Bot Success

Crumble Bot Success

On Wednesday 12th October, some of the Swans class took part in a Crumble Bot competition at BT. The children took part in a series of challenges which saw them compete against 31 other primary schools. At the end of the afternoon, the Year 5 team came 2nd out of 31...

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