Children are able to participate in a range of after-school activities.  These include sports, gardening, choir and games clubs. 

Extracurricular Activities

After School & Lunchtime Clubs

The school runs regular after-school clubs, these include; handball, multi-sports, gymnastics, football, music/choir, art, skiing, netball and games clubs.

We also aim to offer other half termly clubs and these have included cricket, cookery, science, tennis, chess and craft club.

Some of the activities the children organise themselves during lunchtimes and include skipping, lunchtime play leader activities, football and dodgeball.

Extracurricular News

Music For Youth Primary Prom

Music For Youth Primary Prom

On Monday 10th October, the Owls class went to the Music For Youth Primary Prom at Snape Maltings Concert Hall. The programme kicked off with Springwood High School Big Band. This was followed by Uke 'n Toot 'n Tap, a primary school music group who played ukeleles ,...

Crumble Bot Success

Crumble Bot Success

On Wednesday 12th October, some of the Swans class took part in a Crumble Bot competition at BT. The children took part in a series of challenges which saw them compete against 31 other primary schools. At the end of the afternoon, the Year 5 team came 2nd out of 31...

Table Tennis Success

Table Tennis Success

Four children took part in a recent Table Tennis competition.  They all played really well and managed a secure a place in the county final!!  Well done boys !

Swans Become Junior Pizzaiolos!

Swans Become Junior Pizzaiolos!

Swans class had the opportunity to visit Pizza Express in Colchester. They learnt about the history of Pizza Express restaurants, what different ingredients are used to make a pizza as well as having the opportunity of making (and eating) their own pizzas. Thank you...

Monet Masterpiece

Monet Masterpiece

Children from Key Stage Two have been enjoying Art Club with Miss Jones and Mrs Kite. The children have been recreating their own version of Monet's painting of the water lily pond and bridge. The children used their fingertips to mix and paint their masterpiece....

Stratford St Mary Gains Gold

Stratford St Mary Gains Gold

We are delighted to announce that we have been awarded a GOLD mark from The School Games. This is a fantastic recognition for the amount of sport within curriculum and extra-curricular time that we have dedicated to the subject over the last school year. In addition...

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