Extracurricular Activities
After School & Lunchtime Clubs
The school runs regular after-
We also aim to offer other half termly clubs and these have included cricket, cookery, science, tennis, chess and craft club.
Some of the activities the children organise themselves during lunchtimes and include skipping, lunchtime play leader activities, football and dodgeball.
Extracurricular News
Year Two SATs Club
The children in Year Two enjoyed their first SATs club session looking at 2d and 3d shapes and grammar. The children enjoyed playing games using their subject knowledge and working together.
Windy Forest Schools
Children in Kingfisher Class got to go on their second session of Forest Schools but this time it was very windy but not cold. The children remembered the Forest Schools rules and followed them. The children worked in groups to make dens and even had their snack in...
Did We Visit The Panto?
Oh yes we did!! On Thursday we visited the New Wolsey theatre to watch a performance of the 'Sword in the Stone' pantomime. This Rock n Roll show was a big hit with the adults and children. Mr Bassett was called onto the stage to help the Pantomime Dame - he did a...
Amazing Art
Children from Key Stage Two have been enjoying the Art club being offered by Miss Jones and Mrs Kite. The children have developed their drawing techniques using wax crayons. They have created wax resist fish and water scenes using tissue paper. [gallery...
Forest Schools
The children in Kingfisher Class braved the cold weather today for their first Forest Schools session with Orchard Barns. The children built dens, climbed trees, made mud pies and searched for bugs. The children had lots of fun, learning and exploring in the outside...
Magic Ian
ABC Pre - school invited the children in Kingfisher Class to see 'Magic Ian'. Magic Ian was very funny and he did lots of magic tricks. The children in Kingfisher Class could not stop laughing. Thank you ABC Pre - school for inviting us, we had lots of fun. [gallery...