
The aims of mathematics in the National Curriculum are to broaden children’s understanding and experiences with an emphasis on mental maths, oral work and problem solving involving interactive whiteboard activities.

The children are encouraged to explain their understanding and reasoning on a daily basis. Where possible, maths is brought to life through ‘real experiences’ and is supported through key resources such as Numicon. Children also have the opportunity to consolidate their mathematical understanding through an online homework program and a wealth of mathematical apparatus and games.

Mrs Bilner

Maths Subject Leader

Miss Jones

Maths Subject Leader

Maths Resources

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Maths in the News

Converting Measures

Converting Measures

On Thursday, the Swans class were learning how to convert from miles to kilometres in Maths. We worked out that we needed to divide the miles by 5 and multiply by 8 to work out the equivalent kilometres. The children were set the task of working out the distance in...

Sorting 2D Shapes

Sorting 2D Shapes

This week, the Woodpeckers have been learning about the properties of 2D shapes. The children had to sort their shapes based on different criteria using Venn diagrams and Caroll diagrams as well as making different 2D shapes on Geoboards, by thinking carefully about...

Kingfishers Maths

Kingfishers Maths

The children have been learning about place value within 50. The children chose a number from 0 - 50 and represented the number in different ways. They used Numicon, Base Ten, Place Value Counters and the Whole Part Model. Great work Kingfishers. [gallery...

Spencer Bear’s Birthday

Spencer Bear’s Birthday

The children received a letter from Spencer's Mummy explaining that it was going to be Spencer Bear's Birthday and she wanted the children to plan a party for him. The Year One children wrote Spencer Bear's Mummy a letter explaining what they were going to do - the...

Puzzling Prime Numbers

Puzzling Prime Numbers

Recently in Swans class, the children have been investigating prime numbers. They had to work out how many prime numbers there are between 1-100, using everything they had learnt; multiples, factors and their times tables! To make it more fun, it was a competition...

Crime Scene in Swans Class!

Crime Scene in Swans Class!

This week in maths, Swans class were shocked to learn of a 'murder' that had taken place in our class. The children had 45 minutes to solve the mystery using their rounding and problem solving skills. They did a brilliant job and solved the case within the time limit!...

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