Physical Education and Healthy Lifestyles
As a school we are dedicated to helping our children enjoy an active life and this includes participation in a wide range of sports and games.
We also benefit hugely from the Schools Sports Partnership Programme where we offer inter-
We have a Specialist Sports Coach working in our school on a weekly basis, developing all the PE curriculum skills, such as dance, basic motor skills, games, gymnastics, co-
PE in the News
Ten Pin Fun
On Friday 27th January 2017, 6 Owls took part in a Ten Pin Bowling Festival. They joined other schools at the event which was held at Martlesham. They played 2 games; their scores were added up to make a 'team total'; our children came 5th out of 11 schools. Thank...
American Football comes to Stratford!
On Friday, we had a PE Enrichment day. Mr Ross came in and taught the children different skills, games, tactics and rules of American Football. Due to the snowy weather, this had to take place in the school hall, however, lots of learning happened and a lot of fun...
Fencing Fun
Stratford St Mary recently hosted a Fencing Festival which saw 4 children from our school work with children from 2 other primary schools. Over the last few weeks, they have learnt new techniques, vocabulary and skills. Thank you Mr Banner for organising the...
Festival of Rugby
On Wednesday 30th November, a group of Year 4 & 5 children took part in a Rugby Festival at East Bergholt High School. The children went into different groups to learn some rugby skills and then played in some matches. Thank you East Bergholt High School for...
Tag Rugby Festival
On Thursday 24th November a team from Swans class took part in a Tag Rugby Festival at Ipswich Rugby club. They did very well on what was a very cold afternoon; winning 3 games out of 5.
Football Tournament
Some of our Swans class were involved in a recent football tournament. They played 5 matches against other schools; they won one, drew two and lost two. It was quite a cold and wet afternoon, but all the boys had fun and played really well.