The children were introduced to their enquiry question for this half term – How is our school and local area affected by the seasons? The Year One children were asked to think about the question and Mrs Clark recorded their answers. The Reception children were asked to tell Miss Jones about the word weather and Miss Jones recorded their answers. Miss Jones and the children talked about the story ‘Stickman’ written by Julia Donaldson. The children noticed that the story went through the seasons and travelled to different places. Miss Jones told the children they were going to walk to the wood area and create their own ‘Stickman’. Miss Jones spoke to the children about safety and rules before they left for their trip to the woods. Miss Jones told the children they would need to use their listening ears. Miss Jones told the children they needed to keep with their partner, to follow instructions and walk at all times. The children got busy helping each other to find sticks to represent ‘Stickman’. They worked together to fix the sticks together with pipe cleaners. The children stuck eyes on and decorated their ‘Stickman’. We all enjoyed our visit to the woods and really enjoyed creating our ‘Stickmen’. Great work Kingfishers.
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