Learning Without Limits
Stratford St Mary Primary School is a small village primary, set in approximately three acres of land and situated in the heart of the village. We sit in the Stratford Vale (AONB), on the edge of the Suffolk/Essex border, just off the A12.
We are proud of our little school, our children and our links to the local community. We are committed to enabling every child to ‘Learn without Limits.’ Come and visit us!
At Stratford St Mary Primary School, we take safeguarding very seriously. If you have any concerns about a child in school, please contact the school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead who is Mrs Karen Bilner (also PREVENT lead) or the Alternative Designated Officers who are Miss Rachelle Jones and Mrs Anna Marshall. The Designated Safeguarding Governor is Allie Manley.
If you need any further information, would like a paper copy of any of the information on the website or would like to view our school, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Stratford St Mary Primary School is a small village primary, set in approximately three acres of land and situated in the heart of the village. We sit in the Stratford Vale (AONB), on the edge of the Suffolk/Essex border, just off the A12.
We are proud of our little school, our children and our links to the local community. We are committed to enabling every child to ‘Learn without Limits.’ Come and visit us!
At Stratford St Mary Primary School, we take safeguarding very seriously. If you have any concerns about a child in school, please contact the school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead who is Mrs Karen Bilner (also PREVENT lead) or the Alternative Designated Officer who is Miss Rachelle Jones. The Designated Safeguarding Governor is Mrs Allie Manley.
If you need any further information, would like a paper copy of any of the information on the website or would like to view our school, please do not hesitate to contact me.
About Our School
Our primary school is in the heart of the village. We educate approximately 90 pupils aged 4-11 and there is an independent pre-school based on site. We are a family orientated, caring school providing an excellent and enjoyable education which enables all children to achieve their full potential.
School News
100 Days Celebration
Thursday 29th April, marked Kingfishers 100th day at school and the children came in wearing their 100 themed t - shirts. They also had a very special visitor Sir Captain Tom Moore! The children had lots of challenges to complete in 100 seconds from writing their name...
Darts (Maths) Fun!
The swans have been practising their number skills of doubling, trebling, addition, subtraction and multiplication by playing Darts! They had so much fun!
Big Bang Theory!
This week, the Swans have been learning about The Big Bang Theory. In order to understand this theory of how the universe expanded from one single point (over 13 billion years ago), the children carried out an investigation involving balloons! They recorded data in...
Crawling Caterpillars
Kingfishers received a very special delivery today. It said ‘Fragile Open immediately!’ The children were intrigued to find out what was inside. Mrs Clark opened the box and showed the children the pot. The children recognised them as caterpillars. Mrs Clark told the...
Ducklings Have Arrived
On Tuesday, 20th April, we took delivery of 6 duck eggs. They were popped into an incubator and throughout the course of the week, 6 ducklings hatched. The children have been fascinated by these arrivals and have been following their progress. One has been called...
Earth Day in the Owls
To celebrate Earth Day, on 22nd April, the Owls had an off-curriculum day. We began by holding a class assembly where the children were introduced to this year's theme, which was Restore The Earth. We spent a long time discussing the things that we, personally, could...