Computing Digital Imagery

The children in Year One are learning about Digital Imagery in Computing this half time. Miss Jones introduced the children to the idea of telling a story without words. Miss Jones and the children read the story ‘Flotsam’ together. They discussed why it is important that pictures are in the correct order. The children were asked to sequence stories as they had got in a muddle, thinking about the beginning, middle and end of the story. The children chose a character and drew what they intended to photograph for their own stories. They were shown the iPad which they would be using to take the photographs. Before they took photographs the children looked at some photographs to see if they were good or bad ones and why. They children discussed the light, space and if it was blurry or not. They set up their scenes referring to their planning sheet. When they were happy with the scene they took the photograph. Great work Kingfishers.

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