
The school hosts the annual Stratford St Mary Community Fireworks Display, attracting over one thousand spectators.

Village Life

The community came together for The Queen’s 90th Birthday celebrations held at the school and organised by Village Life.

Community Links

The school is an integral part of Stratford St Mary village and the wider community.

St Mary’s church, about half a mile from the school, is regularly visited by the children.  Likewise Reverend Paul from the parish is a regular visitor in school, conducting assemblies and spending time with the children.

Next to the church, is Hall Farm. The children make visits to the farm, to walk around the various trails, see the animals during lambing time and to sing carols to their visitors at Christmas time.

Our school is a ‘Friend of Ipswich Town’, linking the school with one of our local football teams.

Premier Sport are regular visitors to our school, providing specialist coaching, after school clubs and also ‘Enrichment Days’.

On our doorstep, about eight miles from the school is the Suffolk Ski Centre. Here our older children are given the opportunity to learn to ski on the three slopes.

Community News

Day Three Early Years Garden

Day Three Early Years Garden

The children enjoyed watching the workmen fix the new equipment together and found out they would have in the garden. The children are very excited to try out the new equipment. Thank you to all involved. We look forward to updating you with how we are using our new...

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Day Two Early Years Garden

Day Two Early Years Garden

The children have been very interested to see how the garden has been developing on day two. The artificial grass has been laid and the equipment has arrived. The children enjoyed watching the men at work again and have asked lots of questions. [gallery...

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Day One Early Years Garden

Day One Early Years Garden

Work has began on the Early Years garden. We were very lucky to receive a grant for the work to take place. Pentagon Play are installing the new play surface and equipment. The Reception children are enjoying watching the men at work and have been asking them lots of...

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Road Safety Week

Road Safety Week

During Road Safety Week the children, parents and staff put on their walking shoes and participated in Walk to School week, even in the wet weather. The children participated in different road safety activities during the week. The JRSOs also taught the children in...

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Stratford St Mary School Remembers

Stratford St Mary School Remembers

On Monday 12th November all the children walked down to the church. Whilst there, we saw the the amazing displays which commemorated the 100 year anniversary of the ending of World War 1; we also saw the nine 'There but not there' soldiers sitting in the pews. The...

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The Greatest Show

The Greatest Show

Saturday 3rd November saw dry and calm weather and over 1000 people enjoying music, great food and a spectacular fireworks event on our school grounds. The Stratford St Mary fireworks committee had spent months preparing for the event and an enormous amount of time...

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