Art and Design & Technology

At Stratford St Mary Primary School, we believe through high-quality planning, teaching and assessing, the Art and Design & Technology curriculum will provide a range of opportunities (as part of our broad and balanced curriculum) which

  • Gives pupils the opportunity to produce creative work, exploring their ideas and recording their experiences through engaging and exciting topics
  • Allows our pupils to create work with individuality and creativity and evaluate their own and the work of others
  • Allow pupils to become proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques and to evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of art, craft and design
  • Gives pupils the opportunity to know about great artists, craft makers and designers, and understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms. 

Art and Design & Technology in the News



During the Forest Fun session the children were given the task of creating a snowflake using natural materials. They discussed what snowflakes looked like, remembering that they have 6 points and that they are translucent. They listened to what they were going to be...

Tricky Sculptures

Tricky Sculptures

Recently in DT,  the Woodpeckers have been learning about the work of Jill Townsley. They looked at the different sculptures she made using everyday materials and had a go at using the same materials to build their own. They learnt how Jill Townsley used the same...

Cooking Club

Cooking Club

Children from Kingfishers and Woodpeckers class joined Miss Jones and Mrs Jones for cooking club after school. The children were very busy decorating biscuits and making cakes. The children created melted snowmen, snowmen faces and snowball cakes. [gallery...

Hibernating Hedgehogs

Hibernating Hedgehogs

The children were excited to find out what they would be doing during their 'Forest Fun' session. The children sat engaged while Miss Jones made salt dough, they were able to name the ingredients Miss Jones was using. The children sat and listened to a story called...

Spencer Bear’s Birthday

Spencer Bear’s Birthday

The children received a letter from Spencer's Mummy explaining that it was going to be Spencer Bear's Birthday and she wanted the children to plan a party for him. The Year One children wrote Spencer Bear's Mummy a letter explaining what they were going to do - the...

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