Children are able to participate in a range of after-school activities.  These include sports, gardening, choir and games clubs. 

Extracurricular Activities

After School & Lunchtime Clubs

The school runs regular after-school clubs, these include; handball, multi-sports, gymnastics, football, music/choir, art, skiing, netball and games clubs.

We also aim to offer other half termly clubs and these have included cricket, cookery, science, tennis, chess and craft club.

Some of the activities the children organise themselves during lunchtimes and include skipping, lunchtime play leader activities, football and dodgeball.

Extracurricular News

Phonics Club

Phonics Club

The Year One children stayed for the Phonics Club after school to practise their phonics skills. The children had fun using their phonic knowledge to play games, reading real and nonsense words. Great work Kingfishers. [gallery...

The Schools’ Farm and Country Show 2018

The Schools’ Farm and Country Show 2018

On Thursday 19th April, the Owls class went to the Schools' Farm and Country Show at Trinity Park in Ipswich. There was so much to see and do. In the morning, we had a ride on a tractor, examined some of the latest farming technology and then went to the animal barn,...

Baking Buns

Baking Buns

During Cookery Club this week the children baked buns. The children cracked the eggs and mixed the ingredients together. The children watched the buns cook in the cupcake machines. The children enjoyed decorating their buns using icing and sprinkles. Well done chefs,...

Cheese Swirls and Chocolate Cakes

Cheese Swirls and Chocolate Cakes

In Cookery Club this week, the chefs made cheese swirls. They sprinkled cheese on to puff pastry and rolled them into a snail shape. The children divided the roll into ten pieces and they were placed in the oven to cook. Next they melted chocolate. When the chocolate...

Year 6 @ BT

Year 6 @ BT

On Friday 16th March, the Swans class visited Adastral Park, Martlesham, where BT were celebrating British Science Week. The children were taken on a tour around the showcase area and were introduced to the latest innovations and technologies from around the world...

Mini Muffin Pizzas

Mini Muffin Pizzas

During Cookery Club this week the children enjoyed making mini muffin pizzas. They were able to spread the tomato puree with a knife, grate the cheese and safely cut the ham, olives, pineapple and pepperoni. The children were able to follow instructions carefully and...

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