Extracurricular Activities
After School & Lunchtime Clubs
The school runs regular after-
We also aim to offer other half termly clubs and these have included cricket, cookery, science, tennis, chess and craft club.
Some of the activities the children organise themselves during lunchtimes and include skipping, lunchtime play leader activities, football and dodgeball.
Extracurricular News
Gold Award
Today the JRSO's attended the Junior Road Safety Awards Event at Endeavour House in Ipswich. The JRSO's met the Councillor, the cabinet member for Highways and Transport, listened to presentations from other JRSO's and participated in a question and answer session....
Young Voices at the 02
On Thursday, Mrs Marshall and Mrs Bilner (and several parents) accompanied 17 children to the O2 in London. Since September, these children had been learning several songs; the finale of which was joining 7,500 other school children in a massive choir concert. The...
Vex Club
On Wednesday evening a group of Swans started a Vex club. Over the next few weeks, they will build a Vex 'model' which can then be programmed to perform different tasks. We hope in the future to compete with other schools in a Vex robot competition. We will keep you...
Book Club
Children from the Woodpeckers Class joined Miss Jones and Mrs Kite for Book Club. The children enjoyed listening to the story Room On The Broom by Julia Donaldson before doing activities based on the book. The children made their own potions, collecting items from...
Sinbad and Stratford St Mary
Thursday afternoon saw the school visit the New Wolsey theatre to watch Sinbad the Sailor Rock n Roll Panto. The children and accompanying adults, listened to the songs and talented musicians and laughed at the jokes. Everyone was very well behaved and we all had a...
Fencing Fun
Stratford St Mary recently hosted a Fencing Festival which saw 4 children from our school work with children from 2 other primary schools. Over the last few weeks, they have learnt new techniques, vocabulary and skills. Thank you Mr Banner for organising the...