Julie Rivers

In Year 6, the children have been looking at the artists Aurelie Bouquet and David McEown and their paintings of icebergs. They used shading techniques to try and give a sense of form to their work.

In Science, the children in Year 6 have been learning that light travels in straight lines. They had to draw scientific diagrams to show their understanding of this and had great fun using the torches to aid their understanding.

In History, we have been learning about the Transatlantic Slave Triangle. The children role played a British, An American and an African Slave trader. They were given various discussion points during the activity.

The Swans enjoyed their Recycling Workshop where they learnt about the different materials that can be recycled and what happens to waste when it leaves our house.

In RE, as part of our Hinduism unit of work, we have been acting out the story of The Blind Man and The Elephant to help us understand that there are many ideas about God and they are not all the same. It depends who you ask and what aspect of the religion you look […]

In History, the Swans have been writing biographies about the different passengers on board the Titanic. They loved the creative slant to this task!

The Swans have been writing diaries in role as somebody on board the Titanic. They have also produced some amazing sketches of the ship.

We have been learning about the different classes on board Titanic. The children were given the freedom to present their work however they saw fit – there were some amazing results!

The Swans have been thinking about how the freezing temperatures affected the people in the water when Titanic sank. They carried out some investigations that compared their fine motor control before and after their hands had been in the very cold water!

The Swans have been thinking about why the Titanic didn’t spot the iceberg until it was too late. We looked at water displacement to measure the volume of the iceberg and the children were able to clearly see how 90% of the iceberg is under the water which is one of the reasons why it […]