
In Swans, we have been looking at writing relative clauses (using relative pronouns), prepositional phrases and expanded noun phrases using the picture book ‘The Arrival’. We then edited our work, improving word choices and checking for spelling or punctuation errors in order to publish our final paragraphs this week. These are some of the finished […]

In English, we have been using our senses to imagine what Victorian London may have been like. We thought about what we could see, hear and smell if we were there. In our writing we tried to use adventurous adjectives and some expanded noun phrases. After editing our work in our English books, we published […]

In English, we are looking at the story of Cinderella. We have learnt skills such as using commas in lists, prepositional phrases and have tried to use adventurous vocabulary. Today we wrote our story opening and tried to include these skills. Here is some of our work so far:

This week we have published our writing; a report about Sutton Hoo. We learnt the need for a heading and subheadings and presenting our information clearly. We found our information through watching short clips, reading books and investigating who may have been buried in the boat. Some of our published pieces are below.

This week and last week we have been learning about the simple past and the simple present tense. We found out that regular verbs add the suffix -ed to make them the simple past tense. Some irregular verbs changed completely when talking about the past, e.g. fight to fought. Usually, the present simple verb doesn’t […]

In History, the Swans have been writing biographies about the different passengers on board the Titanic. They loved the creative slant to this task!

The Swans have been writing diaries in role as somebody on board the Titanic. They have also produced some amazing sketches of the ship.

Today we reported on the arrival of the Anglo-Saxons, explaining who they were and where they came from. We added a picture, caption and headline to our short newspaper report.

Today, the children have been learning about the Anglo-Saxons – who they were and where they came from. We will continue our learning and are hoping to produce some ‘eye-catching’ newspaper headlines over the next few days ready for our newspaper report. We look forward to sharing them with you.

The children in Kingfishers Class have been very busy learning about London. The Year One children have been creating leaflets all about London. The children choose different London landmarks and wrote facts about them. The children shared their leaflets with the children in Year Six. They were very impressed with their London leaflets. The Reception […]

The Swans have been reading Hamlet. They used emotive language to write a soliloquy in role as Ophelia. They then presented their final draft creatively using which ever medium they chose. Some chose watercolours, others created a collage effect and some used posca pens. The results were outstanding. We then created a metaphorical display, using […]

The Swans had an amazing time in Cambridge yesterday. The Boy At The Back Of The Class was incredible; the children loved it and it really did serve to embed all they had learnt about migration in their previous Geography/English topic. We also took time to look at the beautiful buildings around Cambridge – in […]