Art and Design & Technology

At Stratford St Mary Primary School, we believe through high-quality planning, teaching and assessing, the Art and Design & Technology curriculum will provide a range of opportunities (as part of our broad and balanced curriculum) which

  • Gives pupils the opportunity to produce creative work, exploring their ideas and recording their experiences through engaging and exciting topics
  • Allows our pupils to create work with individuality and creativity and evaluate their own and the work of others
  • Allow pupils to become proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques and to evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of art, craft and design
  • Gives pupils the opportunity to know about great artists, craft makers and designers, and understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms. 

Art and Design & Technology Resources

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Art and Design & Technology in the News

Prehistoric Art

Prehistoric Art

In Art we have been looking at Prehistoric cave drawings. For our final piece in this unit, we tried to keep the materials we used as natural as possible as we know that materials such as paint and colouring pencils were not available for Stone Age people! We...

Mechanisms – Fire Engines

Mechanisms – Fire Engines

This half term in Design and Technology the children have been focusing on Mechanisms - Making Fire Engines. The children investigated, designed, made and evaluated their Fire Engines. Great work Kingfishers.   [gallery...

Art – Pudding Lane

Art – Pudding Lane

The children became ‘artists’ and thought about the question can we draw in the style of Kandinsky using different media to create a picture of Pudding Lane? The children learnt about the artist Kandinsky and used his artwork to inspire their work. The children...

Hot Colours

Hot Colours

The children became ‘artists’ and thought about the question - Can we make a print of The Great fire of London using 2D shapes and ‘hot’ colours? Today the children created foam flames. They watched Miss Jones as she demonstrated how to do it. The children followed...

Henry Moore ‘Shelters’

Henry Moore ‘Shelters’

The Swans have begun to use the art skills they have learnt in order to create their final pieces based on Henry Moore's Shelter Drawings.

Henry Moore Shelters

Henry Moore Shelters

The Swans have been practising creating contour lines in their art work in the style of Henry Moore. His Shelter drawings show people huddled together in the underground stations. The children got into groups of 3 and were photographed in a huddling position. They...

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