Children are able to participate in a range of after-school activities.  These include sports, gardening, choir and games clubs. 

Extracurricular Activities

After School & Lunchtime Clubs

The school runs regular after-school clubs, these include; handball, multi-sports, gymnastics, football, music/choir, art, skiing, netball and games clubs.

We also aim to offer other half termly clubs and these have included cricket, cookery, science, tennis, chess and craft club.

Some of the activities the children organise themselves during lunchtimes and include skipping, lunchtime play leader activities, football and dodgeball.

Extracurricular News

The Christmas Story for Advent

The Christmas Story for Advent

On Tuesday the children in Kingfishers and Woodpeckers class went to the Discovery Centre at St Edmundsbury Cathedral to learn about the Christmas story for advent. The children were told the story through reflective storytelling and created their own cardboard advent...

Leaf Confetti

Leaf Confetti

In craft club the children collected leaves to make leaf confetti. The children ripped the leaves in to small pieces to create the confetti. The children used their confetti to create the hedgehog's spikes.  

Autumn Leaves

Autumn Leaves

This week at Craft Club the children created 'Autumn Leaves'. They coloured leaf shapes in using Autumn colours and used wool to wrap round the leaves. The children had lots of fun and were very good at helping each other.   [gallery...

Craft Club

Craft Club

On Thursday after school some of the Year One and Year Two children joined Miss Jones for a craft club. This week they focused on fireworks; the children enjoyed making Catherine Wheels. They used paint and glitter to decorate red paper plates and attached them to a...

Cinderella & Rockerfella

Cinderella & Rockerfella

On Thursday 20th July, children from Swans class performed Cinderella & Rockerfella to packed audiences. An amazing amount of talent was seen; fantastic acting, singing and dancing from all children. Some of the children sang solos and displayed a great amount of...

Year 4 Science Day

Year 4 Science Day

On Wednesday 12th July, all the Year 4s, along with those from other schools in our pyramid, attended a special, rocket-themed Science day at East Bergholt High School. Over the day, the children learnt how to build and launch their own water rockets. I'm proud to say...

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