Extracurricular Activities
After School & Lunchtime Clubs
The school runs regular after-
We also aim to offer other half termly clubs and these have included cricket, cookery, science, tennis, chess and craft club.
Some of the activities the children organise themselves during lunchtimes and include skipping, lunchtime play leader activities, football and dodgeball.
Extracurricular News
Science Club
Science Club, for Years 4 and 5, has been running for a few weeks now, and is proving very successful. The children are working towards their Crest Super Star award and are getting stamps in their Science passports for each challenge they complete. Challenges so far...
Games and Construction Club
The children all enjoyed games and construction club. They enjoyed playing and socialising with their friends.
Colchester Zoo Penguin Experience
Kingfishers Class took part in a wonderful Christmas educational experience at Colchester Zoo. The children were greeted by a festive elf who helped them learn all about penguins. The children observed two real penguins up close to test what they had learnt. Father...
World War 2
The Swans had a fantastic trip to Ipswich Museum where they took part in activities linked to life in WW2. After that, we went to 'The Shed' for an evacuee lunch! Whilst we were there, the photographer from the Ipswich Star came and took lots of lovely photos which...
A Day Out in London!
On Wednesday 30th September, Owls and Swans took the coach to London to visit the Maritime Museum at Greenwich (the children were fascinated by Nelson's bloodstained uniform!) and then onto see the new Andrew Lloyd Webber - Cinderella. Everyone had a great time and...
Zoo day!
Woodpeckers Class had a brilliant day out at Colchester Zoo. Despite the rain, we saw plenty of animals, including amur tigers (up close!), sealions, orangutans and anacondas! We also had an education session all about the rainforest, in which we shared our incredible...