Religious Education

Our school is non-denominational and our programme of study follows the revised Suffolk Agreed Syllabus. Every class spends time across the year exploring different faiths and cultures from around the world.

There are daily acts of collective worship either as a whole school community or in individual classes. If you wish to withdraw your child from acts of worship, please contact the Headteacher who will arrange this for you.

RE in the News

RE Krishna

RE Krishna

In RE, the Owls have been learning about Hinduism. On Wednesday, we looked at the bhakti yoga pathway to moksha and how Hindus follow this by showing love and devotion to Krishna, the Hindu god of love and devotion. We looked at the story of Krishna's birth and also...

R.E. – Hinduism

R.E. – Hinduism

In RE, as part of our Hinduism unit of work, we have been acting out the story of The Blind Man and The Elephant to help us understand that there are many ideas about God and they are not all the same. It depends who you ask and what aspect of the religion you look...

RE in Woodpeckers

RE in Woodpeckers

This week in RE, we have been learning all about forgiveness and why forgiveness is an important part of being a Christian. We looked at the story of The Lost Son and thought about what lessons it taught to Christians. We also discussed The Lord's Prayer and why it is...

Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year

On Monday 12th February the children celebrated Chinese New Year. The children listened to Miss Jones as she talked about the Chinese New Year. They took part in different activities - making lucky red envelopes, making Chinese dragons and colouring in dragon...

Learning about Hinduism

Learning about Hinduism

The Swans have been learning about the Hindu belief in Atman. The Atman refers to the real person inside an individual. It is made of part of the spirit of Brahman. They Hindus use the saying 'Namaste' to greet each other. This translates as 'The Divine Spirit in me...

Christianity Celebrations

Christianity Celebrations

The children in Year One began learning about Christianity - Celebrations. The children thought about the question - How does celebrating Pentecost remind Christians that God is with them always? The children welcomed Reverend Manette into the classroom. Reverend...

RE – Why do Christians put a cross in an Easter garden?

RE – Why do Christians put a cross in an Easter garden?

The children in Reception have been learning about Christianity. The children thought about the question - Why do Christians put a cross in an Easter garden? Mrs Clark read the story The Three Billy Goats Gruff and the children discussed the need for the goats to...

Prayer and Worship

Prayer and Worship

The children have been learning about Christianity - Prayer and Worship. The children thought about the question - Why do Christians pray to God and worship him? They listened to the story of Jesus teaching his disciples to pray and learned the Lords Prayer,...

Harvest Poetry & Prayers

Harvest Poetry & Prayers

Woodpeckers Class have been discussing the incredible work achieved by farmers and food producers, both here in the UK and around the world. To express our gratitude this harvest, we chose to write either a poem or a prayer on the theme of 'Thankfulness'. Here is a...



In Kingfishers Class the children have been learning about ‘Harvest’. The children have been thinking about how important the Farmers are and being thankful for their food. The children were tasked with creating their own scarecrows so they could help the Farmers...

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