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Parents & Carers

“Parents are very positive about the school. Pupils enjoy attending this friendly, community school. Expectations for how pupils should behave are high. Pupils are very polite and considerate. They treat others with kindness.”

Ofsted 2023


Pupils regularly participate in sporting events and compete with other schools in Suffolk.

A Growth Mindset

Confidence, resilience, independence and perseverance. An integral part of our learning and school life.

Our Vision

Read about our vision for the school and how we will achieve it.

Foxes, Badgers, Hedgehogs & Otters

Find out about our house groups and the scores on the leaderboard.

A Creative Curriculum

Discover themes that the children are exploring through curriculum subjects.

Our Caring Ethos

“Pupils thrive in a warm and welcoming environment. Pupils are happy and well cared for. The have excellent relationships with the adults. They enjoy helping each other.”

Ofsted 2023

Green Flag Award

We’ve achieved the Eco-Schools highest standard, the Green Flag.

Our Results

See how our results compare to other schools locally and nationally.


“The school has ensured that pupils benefit from effective teaching that helps them learn to read…pupils learn to read confidently and fluently.”

Ofsted 2023

Our Awards

We are very proud of the awards and recognition that our school has gained.

Take a Look Around

Use our interactive map to see the spaces and facilities we have at our school.

Learning Without Limits

Stratford St Mary Primary School is a small village primary, set in approximately three acres of land and situated in the heart of the village.  We sit in the Stratford Vale (AONB), on the edge of the Suffolk/Essex border, just off the A12.

We are proud of our little school, our children and our links to the local community. We are committed to enabling every child to ‘Learn without Limits.’ Come and visit us!

At Stratford St Mary Primary School, we take safeguarding very seriously. If you have any concerns about a child in school, please contact the school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead who is Mrs Karen Bilner (also PREVENT lead) or the Alternative Designated Officers who are Miss Rachelle Jones and Mrs Anna Marshall. The Designated Safeguarding Governor is Matt Carney.

If you need any further information, would like a paper copy of any of the information on the website or would like to view our school, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Karen Bilner   –  Headteacher.

Stratford St Mary Primary School is a small village primary, set in approximately three acres of land and situated in the heart of the village.  We sit in the Stratford Vale (AONB), on the edge of the Suffolk/Essex border, just off the A12.

We are proud of our little school, our children and our links to the local community. We are committed to enabling every child to ‘Learn without Limits.’ Come and visit us!

At Stratford St Mary Primary School, we take safeguarding very seriously. If you have any concerns about a child in school, please contact the school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead who is Mrs Karen Bilner (also PREVENT lead) or the Alternative Designated Officer who is Miss Rachelle Jones. The Designated Safeguarding Governor is Matt Carney.

If you need any further information, would like a paper copy of any of the information on the website or would like to view our school, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Karen Bilner   –  Headteacher.

About Our School

Stratford St Mary is a village located in Suffolk, close to the Essex border with excellent transport links to both Colchester and Ipswich, due to the close proximity of the A12.

Our primary school is in the heart of the village. We educate approximately 90 pupils aged 4-11 and there is an independent pre-school based on site. We are a family orientated, caring school providing an excellent and enjoyable education which enables all children to achieve their full potential.

School News

Music For Youth Primary Prom

Music For Youth Primary Prom

On Monday 10th October, the Owls class went to the Music For Youth Primary Prom at Snape Maltings Concert Hall. The programme kicked off with Springwood High School Big Band. This was followed by Uke 'n Toot 'n Tap, a primary school music group who played ukeleles ,...

Harvest Assembly

Harvest Assembly

On Friday afternoon, we welcomed parents and carers to join us for our Harvest assembly. All the classes shared readings, songs, poems and prayers. Thank you for all the donations of food goods which will be donated to the Colchester Food Bank.

Walk To School

Walk To School

October is national Walk to school month and today the parents and children opted for walking to school instead of driving. The children, parents, teachers and staff met at either ends of Strickmere and walked together to school. The JRSO's made sure the children were...

Crumble Bot Success

Crumble Bot Success

On Wednesday 12th October, some of the Swans class took part in a Crumble Bot competition at BT. The children took part in a series of challenges which saw them compete against 31 other primary schools. At the end of the afternoon, the Year 5 team came 2nd out of 31...

Kingfishers’ First Assembly

Kingfishers’ First Assembly

It was the turn of the Kingfishers to take part in their first ever assembly. The children told the audience about the work they had done this half term on the topic of 'All About Me'. They also talked about Autumn, they showed their pictures of Autumn trees and sang...

Paralympic Enrichment Day

Paralympic Enrichment Day

On Friday, all the classes were involved in an Enrichment Day. Mr Ross from Premier Sport taught the children some games which included 'blindfolded' ball games, boccia as well as 'floor volleyball' involving balloons. The children all enjoyed the activities and...

Key Information