A visit from a Palaeontologist and Mary Anning

The children in Woodpeckers and Kingfishers were very excited to take part in a dinosaur workshop. The children listened carefully to Graham and Sue and were able to explore (hands on) and look at the dinosaurs. Graham explained he is a Palaeontologist and told the children he uses a hammer and brush to find fossils. The children listened to sounds of dinosaurs and told Graham what they could hear. The children found out about the dinosaurs –  size, diet and interesting facts – Stegosaurus, Apatosaurus and Velociraptor. They also found out that the pteranodon and cearadactylus were not dinosaurs and they were fish eaters. Graham showed the children some dinosaur fossil bones and explained each one. The children went on a dinosaur hunt and identified all the dinosaurs. Mary Anning came and visited the children. Mary Anning told the children all about her life. The children were all very well behaved and were very enthusiastic about the workshop!


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