The children came to school in their brightest socks to celebrate Road Safety Week and raising money for Children in Need! We raised over £60! Thank you!

We are very pleased to announce we have received our Good Travel Plan for our efforts to increase levels of walking, cycling and other forms of sustainable travel.

The new JRSOs were able to meet Holly the Road Safety Officer to talk about their role as a JRSO. The JRSOs were very excited to receive their JRSO packs and badges. The JRSOs thought about what they would like to do and achieve this year to support Road Safety at Stratford St Mary Primary […]

The children joined Holly the Road Safety Officer for a Road Safety workshop. Holly asked the children how they travelled to school that morning. They discussed what they already knew about Road Safety – look both ways, keep your seatbelts on, look out for fast cars. The children watched a video about Road Safety showing […]

The JRSOs at Stratford St Mary Primary School were awarded a Gold Award for all their hard work this year. They completed a scrapbook informing others of what they had done to encourage and promote road safety within school. Great work JRSOs we are very proud of your work and the Gold Award.

The JRSOs joined the Community Speed Check Team to carry out their weekly speed checks in the village. The Community Speed Check Team carry out the checks in different locations around the village encouraging drivers to drive carefully and to keep to the speed limits.

During the week of Monday 20th – Friday 24th November 2023 the children participated in Road Safety Week. The JRSOs encouraged parents and children to walk to school during this week. On Friday 24th November 2023 the children and staff wore their brightest socks raising money for the Brake charity. The children also entered a […]

On Thursday 15th June, the children took part in Clean Air Day. The children were encouraged to walk to school and leave the car at home. Miss Jones also told the children about Clean Air Day in assembly. The children learned about the source, affect and solution for air pollution.

During the week of the 8th of May the children were encouraged to walk to school. Parents parked their cars at the end of Strickmere and walked to school. In the classroom, the teachers displayed a wall chart which showed the class’ participation in Walk to School Week. The children received a sticker each day […]

In assembly time, the children had a visit from Kier. Peter told the children all about what the company Kier do – grit roads, mend roads and bridges, clear drains, cut trees etc. The JRSOs dressed up in the clothes the Suffolk Highways Road Safety Heroes wear. Peter talked about Lucy’s poster and the reason […]

The JRSOs joined the Community Speed Check Team. The JRSOs were given the opportunity to hold the speed camera and were able to see how fast the vehicles were travelling. The JRSOs learnt that the aim of the speed checks were to encourage drivers to do the correct speed through the village and not to […]

In September 2022 we were presented with our Modeshift Stars Education, Bronze Award, Good Travel Plan 2022. The scheme recognises schools, businesses and other organisations that have shown excellence in supporting cycling, walking and other forms of sustainable and active travel. Great work JRSOs.