Mrs Marshall

Art Day in the Owls

by | 5 May 2021 | Art & Design, Owls

On Tuesday 25th May, the Owls had an Art Day, focusing on African printmaking. In the morning, the children used their sketch books to investigate African printmaking designs and develop some of their own. We looked at the common features that could be found in most African print designs (bold colours and shapes, repetitive patterns). […]

Modelling the Solar System

by | 5 May 2021 | Owls, Science

This term, the Owls are studying Earth and Space in Science. In one memorable lesson, we took our learning outside to try to make a scale model of the solar system. We used a football to represent the Sun and selected other spherical objects, ranging from a sprinkle to a small ball to represent the […]

Explaining the Phases of the Moon

by | 5 May 2021 | Owls, Science

As part of our Science topic on Earth and Space, the Owls were learning about the Moon and why it looks different at different times. The children had to create a simulation to demonstrate how the Moon orbits the Earth and how the relative positions of the Earth, the Sun and the Moon lead to […]

Earth Day in the Owls

by | 4 Apr 2021 | Environment, Owls, School Events

To celebrate Earth Day, on 22nd April, the Owls had an off-curriculum day. We began by holding a class assembly where the children were introduced to this year’s theme, which was Restore The Earth. We spent a long time discussing the things that we, personally, could do to help to restore the Earth. We then […]

Writing A Travel Guide

by | 3 Mar 2021 | Computing, English, Owls

This half term, the Owls’ topic is The Mediterranean. Each pair was given a Mediterranean city to write a travel guide on. We used our Computing skills to research the cities and to word process, adding images, fonts and colours. In our Literacy lessons, we practised using persuasive language to really sell our destinations to […]

Painting Like Michelangelo

by | 3 Mar 2021 | Art & Design, News, Owls

To tie in with our Mediterranean topic, the Owls have been looking at some famous artists from the Mediterranean. One that we looked at was Michelangelo. We looked at his work painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel and how he had to paint lying on his back. Although he was an amazingly talented artist, […]

Owls’ Boat Race

by | 12 Dec 2020 | Owls, Science

As part of our Science topic on Forces, the Owls looked at water resistance and how it can be overcome by streamlining. They had to design and then build boats to be as streamlined as possible in order to move the fastest through the water. We timed each boat and the quickest one took just […]

Road Safety Week

by | 11 Nov 2020 | Owls

For Road Safety week, the Owls recorded radio adverts about subjects related to road safety. The subjects covered were: The Green Cross Code, walking safely in the dark, being a safe car passenger and cycling safety. The children wrote scripts for their adverts and then made posters to go with their campaigns. All the children […]

Owls PSHE: Anti-Bullying

by | 11 Nov 2020 | Owls

As it was Anti-Bullying week last week, the Owls spent a special afternoon on the topic. We looked at lots of examples of what bullying was and what it wasn’t, and tried to come up with a definition. We also learnt about the four main categories of bullying: physical, verbal, indirect and cyber bullying. We […]

Plague Posters

by | 11 Nov 2020 | News

In History this half term, the Owls are looking at The Stuarts and The Plague. So far we have looked at how the plague was spread by fleas from rats, but that the Stuarts didn’t understand this. We pretended to time travel back to the Stuart period and made posters to explain it all to […]

Remembrance Wreaths

by | 11 Nov 2020 | News, Owls

To mark Remembrance Day, the Owls class made poppy wreaths. We drew round our hands on green card and stuck the hand shapes together to make the wreath. Then we made poppies out of black and red tissue paper and stuck them on. We are really pleased with how the wreaths turned out as we […]

Tractor Visit

by | 2 Feb 2020 | Environment, Kingfishers, Owls, Swans, Visitors, Woodpeckers

On Thursday 6th February, as part as the Tractors Into Schools project, we had a visit from local farmer, James Harris, and his tractor. Each class got a chance to look at the tractor, sit inside it and also ask questions. James explained a lot about the sort of work that the tractor does, the […]