Mrs Marshall

Fabulous French

by | 2 Feb 2023 | Curriculum, Languages, Owls

In Owls, our French topic is ‘Chez Moi’, which means My Home. We have been working on our pronunciation and our listening. In the last lesson, we did a paired activity. One person would read a description while the other person had to work out which set of pictures was being described. The children’s pronunciation […]

Children’s Games

by | 2 Feb 2023 | Art & Design, Owls

In Art, we studied the picture ‘Children’s Games’ by Pieter Bruegel. We decided to create our own photo collage version of the picture including the modern games that we play. The children came up with all the ideas, created the scenes and took the photos too. Here are a few snapshots.

Learning to Listen

by | 1 Jan 2023 | Owls, PSHE

In PSHE, we have been working on our listening skills and learning to listen better to others. To practise, we did an activity where we each secretly drew a picture. We sat back to back with a partner and had to describe our pictures for our partners to draw. We had to listen carefully to […]

Minsmere Trip

by | 6 Jun 2022 | Geography, Owls, Science, Trips

To tie in with our topic on Coasts, on Monday 20th June, Owls class went to RSPB Minsmere. In the morning, we went down to the shore and learnt about coastal erosion. We also did some beachcombing, trying to find all the things on our sheet. In the afternoon, we did a session on Habitats. […]

Constable Day

by | 6 Jun 2022 | Art & Design, History, Owls, Visits

To fit in with our whole school enquiry question “Why does Stratford St Mary fascinate historians?” we focused on what the village would have been like in John Constable’s time. We found out that John Constable was alive during the Georgian period. On Thursday 26th May, we did a walk around the village looking for […]

Contrasting Colours

by | 5 May 2022 | Art & Design, Owls

This half term, the Owls are developing their painting skills. So far we have explored texture and colour mixing. Our most recent lesson focused on contrasting colours. The children had to ‘overpaint’ their existing work with contrasting colours. They were able to achieve some great effects.

Lemon Battery

by | 5 May 2022 | Owls, Science

To mark British Science Week, and as part of our work on electricity, the Owls tried to see whether they could use lemons as batteries to light a bulb in a circuit. They worked together as a class to see how many lemons it would take to light the bulb and to make sure everything […]

Exploring Texture

by | 5 May 2022 | Art & Design, History, Owls

This half term, the Owls art focus is painting. For our first lesson, we explored using and creating different textures and then painting over them. Later in the term, the children will be creating their own textured versions of some of John Constable’s masterpieces, which will link together our learning in Art and History.

Owls French Cafe

by | 4 Apr 2022 | News

In French, the Owls had been learning some language for ordering food and drinks in a café. To practise what they had learnt, we created our own café in the classroom with real food and drinks. Certain children were waiters and took everyone’s orders. All the speaking, from the waiters and customers, had to be […]

Science Club

by | 2 Feb 2022 | Extracurricular, Science

Science Club, for Years 4 and 5, has been running for a few weeks now, and is proving very successful. The children are working towards their Crest Super Star award and are getting stamps in their Science passports for each challenge they complete. Challenges so far have included: building bridges out of paper and seeing […]

Recreating the Battle of Hastings

by | 2 Feb 2022 | English, History, Owls

In History, and in Literacy, the Owls have been learning about the Battle of Hastings. To help us understand what happened in the battle, we went outside and acted it out. We then re-created it with jelly babies!

Good Vibrations

by | 2 Feb 2022 | News

As part of our Science topic on Sound, the Owls investigated how sounds were made. By experimenting with ukuleles, rubber bands and rulers, we established that sounds were made by vibrations. We then made “telephones” out of cups and string, and tried to apply our scientific knowledge to explaining how they worked. The children were […]