Miss Jones

Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Cards

by | 5 May 2022 | Kingfishers, News

Miss Jones spoke to the children about the Queen. They found out that the Queen is going to be celebrating her Platinum Jubilee at the end of the month. Miss Jones told the children she thought it would be a lovely idea if the children could design and create a special card for the Queen. […]


by | 3 Mar 2022 | Environment, Kingfishers

The children were very excited to receive a parcel. Mrs Clark showed the children the parcel and opened it to find potatoes. Mrs Clark read the instructions and the children looked and helped Mrs Clark to place the seed potatoes on the chitting tray. Mrs Clark said they needed to be placed in the sun […]

Planting Potatoes

by | 3 Mar 2022 | Environment, Kingfishers

The children helped to fill the planters with soil and plant the potatoes. Some of children wrote a label for the potatoes that we are growing, they are called Casablanca and Sarpo Una. We talked about how the potatoes grow underground in the dark and if we see a shoot we have to cover it […]

Roadworkers Poster Competition

by | 3 Mar 2022 | JRSO, Visitors

Peter Ingram from Suffolk Highways visited our school on Thursday 17th March to present a voucher to the winner of the competition and to the school. Peter told the children that the winning poster will be displayed on roads in the near future so please keep a look out for the poster. A huge congratulations […]

Kingfishers’ Toy Museum

by | 3 Mar 2022 | English, History, Kingfishers, Parents

The children created their own toy museum. The children wrote descriptions about their toys, wrote labels and created posters which they displayed in their museum. The children became tour guides and showed their grown up around the ‘Kingfishers Toy Museum’. They told their grown up about their toy and showed them their writing and read […]

World Book Day 2022

by | 3 Mar 2022 | English, Kingfishers, School Events

The children celebrated World Book Day by dressing up as their favourite book character. The children were challenged to look for different things within a text or picture book, such as a bear, a witch and a frog. The children were asked to record which book they found the things in, the page number, and […]

Safer Internet Day

by | 2 Feb 2022 | Computing, Kingfishers

Miss Jones explained to the children it was ‘Safer Internet Day’. Miss Jones told the children Safer Internet Day 2022 celebrates young people’s role in creating a safer internet, whether that is whilst gaming and creating content, or interacting with their friends and peers. She explained how they can keep safe when using the computer […]

Mental Health Week

by | 2 Feb 2022 | Kingfishers

This week celebrates Children’s Mental Health Week.  The children focused on how they have grown and how they can help others to grow. The children thought about who supports them to grow. The children created their own support balloons and considered the people in their lives who help them to grow – parents, carers, siblings, […]

Tractor Visit

by | 2 Feb 2022 | Kingfishers, Visitors

The children were very excited to see the tractor arriving at school. They went out to see the tractor and Farmer James. Farmer James talked to the children about his tractor and about what he does on his farm. The children were able to answer questions that Farmer James asked. The children were very well […]

Lunar New Year

by | 2 Feb 2022 | Art & Design, Kingfishers

This week the children celebrated the Lunar New Year. Miss Jones shared a PowerPoint and a story about the Lunar New Year. The children learned that red envelopes with coins are presented as gifts at family gatherings such as weddings or holidays such as Lunar New Year. The children created their own red envelope and […]

Cooking and Manners

by | 2 Feb 2022 | Classes, Design Technology

Mrs Martin has been working with groups of children developing their cooking skills and table manners. The children made sandwiches and cakes. They weighed the ingredients, mixed, cut and grated different food items. The reception children practised their  table manners and how to sit at the table correctly. They made food items out of play […]

Games and Construction Club

by | 2 Feb 2022 | Extracurricular, Kingfishers, Woodpeckers

  The children all enjoyed games and construction club. They enjoyed playing and socialising with their friends.