Miss Jones

Amazing Autumn

by | 11 Nov 2020 | Kingfishers, Science

The children in Year One have been learning about the Seasons in Science. The children learned about the four different seasons in the UK. They briefly explored what the weather is like in different seasons and what important events there are in each season. The children were then asked to think about the clothes they […]

Anti – Bullying Week

by | 11 Nov 2020 | English, Kingfishers

The children in Kingfishers Class having been focusing on friendship this week as it was Anti – Bullying week. The children created friendship recipes to make the perfect friend. The children thought about the different qualities a perfect friend would have. The children also worked together to create a kindness heart adding qualities of a […]

Road Safety Week 2020

by | 11 Nov 2020 | JRSO, Kingfishers, Owls, Swans, Woodpeckers

This week the children have participated in Road Safety Week. The JRSOs asked the children to take part in a colouring competition. The children have been involved in different road safety activities during the week. The children in Kingfishers class used the JRSO’s equipment to learn how to cross the road safely. They were able […]

Fizzing Fireworks

by | 11 Nov 2020 | Art & Design, History, Kingfishers

The children in Kingfishers Class have been learning about Guy Fawkes and Bonfire Night. The children were introduced to Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot in History. The children learnt key facts about Guy Fawkes and about his involvement in the Gunpowder plot. The children developed their awareness of the past by making comparisons between […]

Pretty Poppies

by | 11 Nov 2020 | Art & Design, Kingfishers

Miss Jones and the children discussed Remembrance Day. Miss Jones told the children all about why we wear poppies. The children watched a short CBeebies animation. (It sees war as experienced by animals in a WWI battlefields). After playtime the children joined the school in a two minute silence at 11am. The children stood quietly […]


by | 11 Nov 2020 | Kingfishers, Religious Education

In Kingfishers Class the children have been learning about ‘Harvest’. The children have been thinking about how important the Farmers are and being thankful for their food. The children were tasked with creating their own scarecrows so they could help the Farmers scare away the birds. The children coloured in their scarecrows and cut the […]

Dinosaur Topic Finale

by | 10 Oct 2020 | Kingfishers, Parents

To end our dinosaur topic, the children in Kingfishers Class showed their grown ups their dinosaur models, clay fossils and dinosaur moving pictures. They were very excited and were able to explain what they had been learning about in class this half term.  Well done Kingfishers!

Moving Pictures

by | 10 Oct 2020 | Art & Design, Kingfishers

In DT the children have enjoyed creating ‘Moving Dinosaur Pictures’. The children used levers and hinges to make their pictures move. They thought about the tools and materials they needed and the skills they needed to use. The children also created a lovely background for the dinosaurs. Great work Kingfishers.

Favourite Footwear

by | 10 Oct 2020 | Classes, Fundraising, JRSO

On Wednesday 7th October the children and staff wore their favourite footwear to school as part of Walk to School week. There was a range of different footwear from flashing trainers to pink unicorn slippers. We have raised over £70 for ‘Living Street’ charity. Thank you to everyone who took part and donated money.

Walk To School Week

by | 10 Oct 2020 | Classes, JRSO, News

During the week of the 5th of October the children were encouraged to walk to school. This year due to the current situation staff were unable to provide a ‘Walking Bus’, but this didn’t stop children and parents from walking to school. They parked their cars at the end of Strickmere and walked to school […]

Crafting Clay

by | 10 Oct 2020 | Art & Design, Kingfishers

This half term Kingfishers Class have been learning about dinosaurs. In Art the children have been using clay. They have created their own dinosaur fossils and their own dinosaur models. The children have learnt different techniques while using the clay – rolling, pulling, smoothing, pinching and mark marking with tools. The children did very well! […]

Gleaming Gold

by | 9 Sep 2020 | Achievements, JRSO

The annual Junior Road Safety Awards Event at Endeavour House in Ipswich was cancelled this year because of the coronavirus. The JRSOs were asked to send their scrapbook via email. The JRSOs were awarded a gold award for their scrapbook which informed others of what they had done to encourage and promote road safety within […]