Mrs Marshall
Owls’ Science topic this half term is Properties and Changes in Materials. This week we looked at solubility. The children had to work as scientists to plan and carry out their own tests to investigate the solubility of different materials. Lots of great learning and discussions.
To launch our new History topic, the Owls class started the term with an Ancient Egyptian immersion day. The children first had to ‘excavate’ some artefacts from an archaeological dig, examine them and make predictions about them. In Maths, we investigated how many cubes we’d need to make different sizes of pyramids. We then tried […]
Owls’ Science topic this half term is Earth and Space. We have been doing lots of activities to help us understand the structure of the solar system. Using a range of balls, trundle wheels and the school field, we tried to map out the solar system, showing the relative size of the different planets and […]
On Monday 17th April, the Owls took part in a Money Sense workshop, organised by Natwest bank. Sarah, from the bank, came to help us and to talk about her work. The children had to plan a party for a given person. They had to make decisions about things like number of guests and what […]
In the Owls class last week, for our DT project, we held a Great Biscuit Bake Off. First the children learnt to follow a basic biscuit recipe, practising skills such as creaming and sieving. The next day, we all tried adding our own extra ingredients to the basic dough. We did a taste test to […]
In Owls, our French topic is ‘Chez Moi’, which means My Home. We have been working on our pronunciation and our listening. In the last lesson, we did a paired activity. One person would read a description while the other person had to work out which set of pictures was being described. The children’s pronunciation […]
In Art, we studied the picture ‘Children’s Games’ by Pieter Bruegel. We decided to create our own photo collage version of the picture including the modern games that we play. The children came up with all the ideas, created the scenes and took the photos too. Here are a few snapshots.
In PSHE, we have been working on our listening skills and learning to listen better to others. To practise, we did an activity where we each secretly drew a picture. We sat back to back with a partner and had to describe our pictures for our partners to draw. We had to listen carefully to […]
To tie in with our topic on Coasts, on Monday 20th June, Owls class went to RSPB Minsmere. In the morning, we went down to the shore and learnt about coastal erosion. We also did some beachcombing, trying to find all the things on our sheet. In the afternoon, we did a session on Habitats. […]
To fit in with our whole school enquiry question “Why does Stratford St Mary fascinate historians?” we focused on what the village would have been like in John Constable’s time. We found out that John Constable was alive during the Georgian period. On Thursday 26th May, we did a walk around the village looking for […]
This half term, the Owls are developing their painting skills. So far we have explored texture and colour mixing. Our most recent lesson focused on contrasting colours. The children had to ‘overpaint’ their existing work with contrasting colours. They were able to achieve some great effects.
To mark British Science Week, and as part of our work on electricity, the Owls tried to see whether they could use lemons as batteries to light a bulb in a circuit. They worked together as a class to see how many lemons it would take to light the bulb and to make sure everything […]