Mrs Marshall

Owl’s Trip To Colchester Castle

by | 2 Feb 2020 | History, Owls, Trips

On Friday 7th February, to tie in with our class work on the Romans, the Owls class took part in a ‘Romans In Colchester’ day at Colchester Castle. We began our day with a Story Tour down in the castle vaults. Our guide, John, explained the early history of Colchester just before, and during, the […]

Solids, Liquids and Gases

by | 1 Jan 2020 | News

This week. in Science, the Owls started a new topic on States of Matter. They learnt that there are three states of matter: solids, liquids and gases. Firstly, the children worked in groups to sort different items according to whether they were solids, liquids or gases. As a class, we tried to come up with […]

Experimenting with Switches

by | 1 Jan 2020 | Design Technology, Owls, Science

As part of our whole school topic on Fire, the Owls are combining their Science and DT learning to design and make a fire alarm. We began the project by discussing the different types of switches that we can find. On Friday, the children worked together to solve a series of challenges that involved them […]

The Impact of the Railways

by | 11 Nov 2019 | History, Owls

For our History topic this half term, the Owls have been learning about steam railways. On Tuesday 19th November, we learnt about the impact that the steam railways had on Britain. Firstly, the children had to sort statements about the effects of the railways into positive and negative effects. Next, each group was given a […]

Round Britain Quiz

by | 10 Oct 2019 | Geography, Owls, Parents

On Wednesday 9th Octobers, the Owls were joined by their parents and grandparents for a shared learning session. In Geography, the children had been learning about counties and regions, particularly the ones around where we live. Their challenge for the afternoon was to work together with their adults to try to label all the counties […]

Archaeology Club

by | 6 Jun 2019 | Extracurricular, History, Owls, Science, Swans

This half term, Mrs Marshall is running a lunchtime Archaeology club for children in Owls and Swans classes. Over the last two weeks, the children had to work together to chip dinosaur bones out of rock. It was very difficult, and took them a long time. Once all the bones were out, the children had […]

Owls Shared Learning Session

by | 5 May 2019 | Community, Owls, Parents, Science

On Thursday 16th May, many of the parents of Owls class came in for a shared learning session. In Science, the children have been working on the topic of Sound and had been looking at high and low sounds and how they are made. With the help of their parents, the children had to apply […]

Making Smoothies

by | 5 May 2019 | Design Technology, Owls

This half term, the Owls have a DT topic of Edible Garden. We have been learning about where certain types of food come from, how they are grown, why they are good for us and how to cook with them. Most recently, we have been learning all about strawberries. On Wednesday 15th May, we made […]

Pesto Making

by | 5 May 2019 | Design Technology, Owls

This term, Owls class are working on an Edible Garden project for DT. They have already learnt about different kinds of herbs and have planted some. This week, we took one of the herbs, basil, and had a go at using it to make pesto. The children practised their chopping skills and all had a […]

Battery Operated Lights

by | 3 Mar 2019 | Design Technology, Owls, Science

This half term, the Owls have been looking at electricity. The children learnt how to wire up electrical circuits that work, and investigated making different kinds of switches. The completed some DT work, designing and making a battery operated light for a particular person. The children were all extremely motivated and applied their learning well. […]

Perfect Poetry Pair Work

by | 11 Nov 2018 | Curriculum, English, Owls

This week, the Owls have been writing free verse poetry based on Kit Wright’s ‘The Magic Box’. Today, the children worked in pairs to edit and improve their poems. They had to work together to make changes to both poems to make them more effective. The children worked fantastically in their pairs and were able […]

Remembrance Day Medals

by | 11 Nov 2018 | English, History, News, Owls

This week in school is Remembrance Week. As part of this topic, the Owls class made Remembrance Day medals. The children had to listen to Mrs Marshall very carefully and follow her instructions. To tie in with their Literacy work, the children then wrote instructions for how to make the medals. Well done Owls!