Mrs Marshall

Litter Picking

by | 3 Mar 2018 | Environment, News

On Friday 23rd March, the Eco Council organised a litter pick around the school grounds. Children from all classes helped Mrs Marshall pick up rubbish and tidy the grounds. All the children who took part were very enthusiastic and helpful and we were very proud of them.

Exploring Turns

by | 3 Mar 2018 | Maths, Owls

This week, in Maths, Year Three have been investigating turns. We practised quarter, half, three-quarter and full turns. Some of the key vocabulary we practised included: right angle, degrees, clockwise and anti-clockwise. To put our learning into practice, we positioned four different stuffed animals around the classroom. The children had to plan a set of […]

Spiders, Trains, Rainforests and Bodies

by | 3 Mar 2018 | Art & Design, History, Owls

On Thursday 8th March, it was the Owls’ turn to do their class assembly. The children shared their Literacy work, which included non-chronological reports about spiders whilst others reported information about famous steam trains, which is part of our current History topic. They also presented information posters about rainforests, and showed their art work, on the […]

Owls Parent- Child Sharing Session

by | 2 Feb 2018 | Owls, Parents

On Thursday 25th January, the Owls class held a parent-child sharing session. The adults and children worked together to create a poster about the layers of the rainforest, to tie in with the work we had been doing in Geography. Everyone got really involved in the task and the children really enjoyed explaining their learning […]

Woodbridge School Poetry Event

by | 11 Nov 2017 | English, Owls, Swans

As a result of poetry work they had submitted to a competition last year, the Year 4 and 5 children were invited to attend an interactive poetry reading at Woodbridge School. We listened to two published poets, John and Emily, reading work that they and others had written in an anthology themed around Space. There […]

Owls’ Deforestation Experiment

by | 10 Oct 2017 | Owls, Science

This half term, the Owls are doing a Science topic on Scientists and Inventors. The first person we looked at was Gerald Durrell and his conservation work in Madagascar. We did an experiment to show why deforestation was having such a devastating effect on Madagascar. We filled three bottles: one with compost and seedlings, one […]

Year 4 Science Day

by | 7 Jul 2017 | Owls, Science, Trips

On Wednesday 12th July, all the Year 4s, along with those from other schools in our pyramid, attended a special, rocket-themed Science day at East Bergholt High School. Over the day, the children learnt how to build and launch their own water rockets. I’m proud to say that Stratford’s rockets stayed in the air the […]


by | 7 Jul 2017 | Art & Design, Extracurricular, Owls, Science, Trips

On Friday 14th July, the Owls class visited the Latitude Festival. For the first part of the day we explored the Kids’ Area, where we took part in art and craft activities, painted our faces, handled snakes and had our faces painted. We then split into two groups. Mr Wheals’ group took part in a Science […]

Arts Week Day 3

by | 6 Jun 2017 | Art & Design

Today the Owls class started creating their own versions of Constable’s ‘The Haywain’ ready for the exhibition at the end of the week. The children had to select the medium of their choice, from sketching pencils, oil pencils, watercolour paint and collage, to recreate the picture. Swans class looked at a number of paintings by […]

Cooking in the Owls

by | 4 Apr 2017 | Uncategorised

On Wednesday 26th April, as part of our Edible Garden unit in DT, the Owls class made their own pesto. The children got to practise many skills, such as crushing garlic, snipping basil and grating cheese. What they enjoyed most was crushing the ingredients with Mrs Marshall’s pestle and mortar! Our cook, Rachel, very kindly […]

Schools’ Farm and Country Show

by | 4 Apr 2017 | Uncategorised

On Thursday 20th April, the Owls class attended the Schools’ Farm And Country Show at Trinity Park in Ipswich. We spent the morning looking at a range of farm machinery, where we got the chance to ask the farmer a lot of questions. We even got to ride a tractor around the ground. All the […]

Volcanoes & Addition

by | 3 Mar 2017 | Geography, Owls, Science

On Friday 10th March, it was once again the Owls Class Assembly. The children read out some of their writing, and demonstrated their knowledge of Maths, Science and Geography. As always, we were very proud of all the children, and would like to thank all the parents and relatives that attended.