Mrs Marshall

Music For Youth Primary Prom

by | 10 Oct 2016 | Classes, Curriculum, Trips

On Monday 10th October, the Owls class went to the Music For Youth Primary Prom at Snape Maltings Concert Hall. The programme kicked off with Springwood High School Big Band. This was followed by Uke ‘n Toot ‘n Tap, a primary school music group who played ukeleles , ocarinas and tuned percussion, as well as […]

Blackberry Picking

by | 10 Oct 2016 | Owls

On Wednesday 28th September, the Owls class went blackberry picking around the village. As well as picking lots of delicious blackberries, Mr Wheals taught the children how to recognise some other sorts of autumn berries and plants. The fruit that we collected is going to be frozen and the children will be cooking with it […]

Owls Class Assembly

by | 9 Sep 2016 | Owls

On Friday 23rd September, it was the Owls Class’s turn to show their work from the term so far. The children read their stories, showed their artwork, performed dialogues in French and demonstrated Science experiments. But the highlight of the assembly was the children performing what they have been doing in their weekly violin lessons. […]

Gardening in the Swans

by | 5 May 2016 | Classes

On Monday afternoon, the Swans spent the afternoon doing some gardening around the school grounds. The children got stuck in to planting, weeding and watering, as well as collecting wood for a bonfire. They also worked on finishing the design for our garden competition entry, which will be shown at the Suffolk Show during half […]

Swans Class Assembly

by | 4 Apr 2016 | Achievements, School Events, Swans

On Friday 15th April, it was the Swans Class Assembly. The children read some of the newspaper reports they had been writing, and reported on recent class events, such as biscuit making, Bikeability and the basketball tournament. The highlight was the investigative work that the children had produced for World Maths Day last term. All […]

Baking in the Swans

by | 3 Mar 2016 | Swans

As part of our DT work, the Swans designed and made dairy and nut free ginger biscuits. We based our designs around Easter. We also brought in our Maths work on ratio, as we had to double the quantities given in the recipe. The results were delicious!  

Geography Week in the Swans

by | 1 Jan 2016 | Curriculum, Swans

In the first week back after Christmas, it was Geography Week in the Swans class. The children were learning about the water cycle and rivers. We did lots of practical activities, including making watersheds. The highlight of the week was making V-shaped river valleys out of modroc. We were all really pleased with the final […]

Christmas Craft Club

by | 11 Nov 2015 | Extracurricular, Kingfishers, Owls, Swans, Woodpeckers

Christmas Craft Club started on Monday 16th November. As you can see from the photos, the children had great fun making a whole range of Christmas-themed items, including beautiful cards and letters to Santa.