
Find out what we’ve been up to!  We love to hear your feedback so please feel free to add your comments to the posts by filling in the box at the bottom of each news post.


The children had a lovely surprise, they received some caterpillars in the post. The children had a good look at the caterpillars, then started their caterpillar diaries! They wrote about the caterpillars and drew a picture. The children will continue to observe the...

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Harvesting Potatoes

Harvesting Potatoes

The children in Kingfishers Class were very excited about digging up the potatoes and seeing how many they got. The children dug through the soil with their hands collecting the potatoes. The children had to look carefully to make sure they hadn’t left any. The...

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Kingfishers Assembly – Tour Of London

Kingfishers Assembly – Tour Of London

It was Kingfishers Class' turn to perform their class assembly. The children were confident to stand up and perform to the audience. The children took the audience on a tour of London and talked about what they had enjoyed learning at school and sang ‘The Wheels on...

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Soliloquys in Swans

Soliloquys in Swans

The Swans have been reading Hamlet. They used emotive language to write a soliloquy in role as Ophelia. They then presented their final draft creatively using which ever medium they chose. Some chose watercolours, others created a collage effect and some used posca...

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Tudor Weavers

Tudor Weavers

Some of the Year 6 are enjoying being Tudor weavers! We think they would have been a great asset to Stratford St Mary during Tudor times where clothiers lived in the village and became a prominent contributor to the cloth industry.  

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Art – Landscape Farm

Art – Landscape Farm

This half term in art, the Year One children have been working on the unit of work - Landscapes using different Media - The Farm. The children thought about the question - Can we create details using controlled painting and other materials and objects? Today the...

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Painting in Woodpeckers

Painting in Woodpeckers

This half term, in art, we have been looking at four different painters and their art styles; Claude Monet, Georges Seurat, Jackson Pollock and Georgia O'Keefe and asking the question 'Are all paintings created in the same way? This week we focussed on using...

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History – Grains

History – Grains

The children became historians. The children continued focusing on the question - Would you have rather been a farmer in Stratford St Mary in the past or now? The children recapped over last week’s learning thinking about how jobs on the farm have changed over time....

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This half term the children have been learning how to play tennis. Each week the children have been building up their skills which have included catching, hand eye coordination and movement. This has enabled the children to put the skills altogether to play tennis....

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Art – Observational Drawings

Art – Observational Drawings

The children became ‘artists’ and continued with the unit of work - Drawing: Marvellous Marks. The children thought about the question - Can we mark make using pencils to create a simple observational drawing? The children drew their self portraits using a mirror to...

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Typography Art

Typography Art

In art, the children have been looking at the work of the multi-disciplinary artist Freyja Crow. They tried to create portraits and using a strong sense of line, then experimented with different styles of typography.  ...

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