
Find out what we’ve been up to!  We love to hear your feedback so please feel free to add your comments to the posts by filling in the box at the bottom of each news post.
Sustrans Big Wheel and Walk

Sustrans Big Wheel and Walk

This week, the children (and parents) have been encouraged to walk or wheel to school taking part in Sustrans Big Wheel and Walk event. Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel inspires pupils to make active journeys to school, improve air quality in their neighbourhood and...

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Gymnastics Fun

Gymnastics Fun

On Wednesday 26th March, several children from across the school took part in a gymnastics competition at Hadleigh Stars. We are delighted to announce that our Under 7s team came first; our Under 9s came first and our U11s teams came second and third. Well done to...

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Explanation Writing

Explanation Writing

This week in English, the Year One children have been focusing on explanations. The children were asked to write an explanation on how Jack got rich based on the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. They wrote cause and effect sentences using 'because' and 'so' to explain...

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Cloud Forest Terrarium

Cloud Forest Terrarium

The Year One children became Geographers. The children continued focusing on the question - What is life like in the Jungle? The children thought about the enquiry question - Can we identify the locations and features of cloud forests? The children found out all about...

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Exploring Light

Exploring Light

In Science, the children in Year 6 have been learning that light travels in straight lines. They had to draw scientific diagrams to show their understanding of this and had great fun using the torches to aid their understanding.

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Road Safety Poster Competition

Road Safety Poster Competition

Gill, a councillor,  from the parish council came and spoke to the children about a very exciting competition. Stratford St Mary Parish Council wanted the children of Stratford St Mary Primary School to design slow down posters so they could be displayed in Stratford...

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Forest Fun Growing

Forest Fun Growing

The children had their ‘Forest Fun’ session with Mrs Clark, Debs and Miss Jones. The children sat in the wooden stump circle and Miss Jones explained to the children the colour matching game. They where asked to search for items and match the same colours as their...

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Scientific Fieldwork

Scientific Fieldwork

In Science, the Owls have been learning how to use classification keys to identify living things. This week, the children had to design their own classification keys that would work to identify invertebrates around the school grounds. We went outside and used pooters...

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Computing Digital Imagery

Computing Digital Imagery

The children in Year One are learning about Digital Imagery in Computing this half time. Miss Jones introduced the children to the idea of telling a story without words. Miss Jones and the children read the story ‘Flotsam’ together. They discussed why it is important...

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