This half term i History the children in Kingfishers Class will be focusing on the question – How was Mary Anning’s trip to the beach the start of a ‘new beginning’? The children thought about the enquiry question – Why do we remember Mary Anning? The children were shown a picture of Mary Anning and […]
The children in Kingfishers Class were very surprised when they found the window open, some dinosaur footprints on the table and a nest full of eggs. The children became explorers and thought about the evidence they had found and came to the conclusion a dinosaur had been in the classroom. The children completed a prediction […]
The children became dinosaur explorers. They got ready to hunt for dinosaurs. The children used binoculars and magnifying glasses looking carefully for dinosaurs. The children drew pictures of the dinosaurs they found and wrote the name of it. Lovely role play Kingfishers.
The children began focusing on Cooking and Nutrition: Smoothies. The children thought about the question – Can we identify fruits? Miss Jones showed the children pictures of food and the children were asked to identify them. The children were invited to answer the question – What is food? Miss Jones told the children she was […]
This term in Science we explored plants and how they are similar to humans! The children worked extremely hard learning lots of new vocabulary and their meaning. We also conducted an experiment which the children observed over time; they placed carnations and lettuce into test tubes and beakers containing different food colouring and watched to […]
Earlier this term the children enjoyed their Art lessons within forest schools; they explored the ceramic artists Ranti Bam and Rachel Whiteread, and looked at their pieces of work and created their own using similar techniques. The children have had a fabulous time sculpturing bugs, pinch pots, patterned clay tiles and finally designed their very […]
The children in Year One became Geographers and focused on the question – How can we describe Stratford St Mary to a visitor? The children recapped over their walk around the village and thought about what they saw (human features). The children created a leaflet all about Stratford St Mary. Great work Kingfishers!
Miss Jones made a display of all the Christmas Baubles the children had decorated. Miss Jones will take the display to Black Brook House care home for the residents, to brighten up their Christmas. Great teamwork Kingfishers! The children also made cards for the residents in the village to say Happy Christmas. Mrs Cousins has […]
The Swans enjoyed their Recycling Workshop where they learnt about the different materials that can be recycled and what happens to waste when it leaves our house.
The children in Kingfishers class went for a walk round the village to see what facilities Stratford St Mary has. The children listened to Miss Jones as she told them about being safe (walking and listening) and using quiet voices. They walked around the village and saw the school, the parish rooms, the chapel, the […]
The children in Kingfishers and Woodpeckers class took part in their nativity performance of ‘Baarmy Bethlehem!’ to their family members in Stratford St Mary Church. They sang their songs beautifully, said their words clearly and were very well behaved whilst the other children performed. A brilliant performance. We are all very proud of the children!
The children came to school in their brightest socks to celebrate Road Safety Week and raising money for Children in Need! We raised over £60! Thank you!