Miss Jones

This half term Kingfishers Class have been learning about dinosaurs. In Art the children have been using clay. They have created their own dinosaur fossils and their own dinosaur models. The children have learnt different techniques while using the clay – rolling, pulling, smoothing, pinching and mark marking with tools. The children did very well! […]

The annual Junior Road Safety Awards Event at Endeavour House in Ipswich was cancelled this year because of the coronavirus. The JRSOs were asked to send their scrapbook via email. The JRSOs were awarded a gold award for their scrapbook which informed others of what they had done to encourage and promote road safety within […]

To celebrate Science week the children in Kingfishers class became scientists. The children listened to the story of the ‘Mixed Up Chameleon’ and we did the Skittle experiment and a chromatography experiment focusing on colour! Before we embarked on our investigation, we thought about what it meant to think “ scientifically “ and discussed the […]

We didn’t collect enough Book for Schools tokens but The Sun newspaper has acknowledged us as a small school and we have been lucky enough to receive a lovely box of new books worth £600. The children have been enjoying reading the new books. Thank you again for collecting the tokens and supporting us.

On Thursday 5th March we celebrated ‘World Book Day’. The children started the day with an assembly all about the event. The children listened to a story called ‘Look Up’. The book touched on the fact that whilst many of us are ‘ plugged in’ to technology we are often missing the wonders of the […]

On Friday 14th February, Kingfishers Class celebrated 100 days of school. We started our morning with some fun facts about the number 100. We then remembered that it was also Valentine’s Day and we learnt about St Valentine and read the book ‘That’s Love’. Combining both themes, we challenged the class to write 100 hearts […]

On Thursday 6th February the children in Kingfishers Class took part in their shared learning session. The children welcomed their family members into school. The children shared their owl posters and questions. They also shared their owl rhyme and looked at owl books. Thank you to all the adults for coming to our shared learning […]

The children were ready for their next cooking club session. The children listened carefully to instructions, washed their hands and put an apron on. This week the children made potato salad and jam swirls. They practised their cutting, mixing and spreading skills. Great cooking, we hope they were tasty!

During the Kingfishers forest fun sessions, the children have been completing different activities working hard to complete the first part of the RSPB Wild Challenge. Kingfishers Class have received their bronze certificates! They were very excited and proud of their achievements. Well done Kingfishers. They will now work towards their silver award!

The children were very pleased to receive their books they had ordered from James Campbell, the visiting author. The children were very excited and are looking forward to reading them. Happy Reading!

The year one children have been learning all about owls. They have created their own information posters about owls with lots of facts. The children were very pleased with their posters. Great work Kingfishers.

The children sat with Miss Jones, engaged and ready to learn about, and discuss the Big Schools Birdwatch. They talked about the different birds we see and the important role they play in our society. The children then followed instructions given to them and put on their coats and picked up a clipboard with the […]