The children in Kingfishers Class took part in an Easter colouring competition. They were asked to to do their best colouring on a piece of Easter bunting. The Easter bunting went to Blackbrook Residential Care Home, to brighten up their Easter. The children also created Easter cards for the older residents in the village. Great […]
The children spent Thursday afternoon creating the eyes and noses for their animal collages. They used oil pastels and practiced blending techniques to create this stunning work. Further photos to follow!
This half term, the Owls’ topic is The Mediterranean. Each pair was given a Mediterranean city to write a travel guide on. We used our Computing skills to research the cities and to word process, adding images, fonts and colours. In our Literacy lessons, we practised using persuasive language to really sell our destinations to […]
To tie in with our Mediterranean topic, the Owls have been looking at some famous artists from the Mediterranean. One that we looked at was Michelangelo. We looked at his work painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel and how he had to paint lying on his back. Although he was an amazingly talented artist, […]
The children in Kingfishers Class have been learning all about the Census. The children have been learning how to ask questions in preparation for their ‘mini census’. The children were asked to think of a question and write it down using a question mark. The children also conducted their own ‘mini census’. They asked their […]
The children in Kingfishers Class were all happy and excited to be back at school. They were very pleased to see their friends again and enjoyed seeing and talking to them. The children have enjoyed getting back into the school routine and doing their school work. Well done Kingfishers!
To celebrate British Science Week, Owls & Swans took part in a Zoom session run by Dr Mandy Hartley. The children learnt about DNA and how it is useful to both historians and scientists.
The children in Swans have been thinking about why it is important to protect our rainforests. They have been busy creating our class rainforest display and have produced some wonderful ‘Double-Page Spreads’ about this fascinating biome in Geography
The children at school and home participated in World Book Day. They dressed up as their favourite book characters and enjoyed challenges linked to World Book Day! The staff took part in ‘The Masked Reader’ where the children had to guess who was reading behind the swan mask. They were excited to find out who […]
We all know it has been different this year, but we wanted to make it as normal as possible. So the children in Kingfishers Class performed ‘We’re Going on a Baby Hunt’. The children dressed up and had a fantastic time performing it! The parents loved it!
This week the Year One children had a mathematical mystery to solve. They were asked to solve the mystery of the missing reindeer bells. They had five clues to solve which involved counting, measuring, adding, subtracting and working with numbers to 100. The children solved the clues and found out the elf who hid the […]