
On Friday 18th October, we held our Harvest Assembly in the school hall. The children sang songs and read some beautiful poems. We also collected some non-perishable goods which will donated to the Colchester Food Bank. Thank you for your generosity.

On Friday 4th October, the PTA organised a coffee morning and cake sale with the proceeds going to the McMillan Cancer Support charity. Thank you for your generosity – an amazing £219 was raised.

Recently, we celebrated those who successfully completed the MIND 10km charity walk. These dedicated students walked laps of the field on their lunch breaks over 13 weeks in order to walk the 10km. We have been awarded a medal for the school because of their efforts. Well done children.

This term, the children have been talking about kindness, thoughtfulness, sharing, respect and caring and how these values can become an important part of our daily lives. As a school, we decided to try and spread kindness towards others and asked for some donations for the five gifts of Christmas Appeal. The children were sent […]

During the week of Monday 20th – Friday 24th November 2023 the children participated in Road Safety Week. The JRSOs encouraged parents and children to walk to school during this week. On Friday 24th November 2023 the children and staff wore their brightest socks raising money for the Brake charity. The children also entered a […]

On Thursday 5th October, we held a Harvest Assembly in the school. Families were incredibly generous and brought in some non-perishable items which were sent onto the Colchester Food Bank. Thank you all so much for the contributions. The Food Bank was incredibly grateful for the 58.80kg of items donated.

On Friday 30th September, we welcomed parents and friends of the school to our Harvest Assembly. The children shared poems, songs and information about Harvest Around the World. Thank you for all the generous donations which will be forwarded on to a local Food Bank.

Thank you all so much for your generosity towards the 2021 Poppy Appeal. Your contributions raised £169.40 for this worthy charity.

Today was favourite footwear day. The children and staff wore their favourite footwear to school and donated £1 to Living Street. There was a range of different footwear. Thank you to everyone who took part and donated money. We have raised over £70 for ‘Living Street’.

On Friday 14th May, the children, parents and staff arrived at school wearing their pyjamas to celebrate Pyjamarama Day. During the day the children in Kingfishers Class enjoyed reading books in their pyjamas and designing new pyjamas. The children were asked to donate £1 to support The BookTrust. We raised over £85. The money raised […]

On Wednesday 7th October the children and staff wore their favourite footwear to school as part of Walk to School week. There was a range of different footwear from flashing trainers to pink unicorn slippers. We have raised over £70 for ‘Living Street’ charity. Thank you to everyone who took part and donated money.

The Sun is offering primary schools the chance to claim a set of free Collins Big Cat books worth over £600. We have registered our school to take part and we need your help to claim this great offer. We need to collect 3,500 tokens which will be printed in The Sun every day from […]